Natural blond again one: iconic women in the life of Baskov


Today, the "Golden Voice of Russia" Nikolay Baskov celebrates its birthday. The artist was 43 years old, with which we want to congratulate it. The singer is one of the main hitters on the Russian scene, recently the Basque is closely following the trends and boldly decides on experiments with style and the example, for example, a few joint video with Philip Kirkorov served. By the way, Philip is one of the first to publish a congratulatory post, where he led the quotation from the song "Ibiza" (the artists were held together in a provocative video on this track - approx.).

This year, Nikolai decided to do without a lush celebration, instead the singer will spend time with his mother: this year became especially difficult for the artist, since his father died quite recently.

At least today, the singer does not plan to collect a company of friends and loved ones, we decided to remember who at different times managed to conquer the heart of the country's main blond.

Natalia Gromushkin

When Nikolai was quite a Yun, he fell in love with Natalia Gromushkin, who was engaged in the theater school with the future star. However, then the Basque did not decide to admit to Natalia in his feelings, as he said, "she was an inaccessible dream."

Svetlana Spiegel

The development of Nikolai's career was once a long time was engaged in Boris Spiegel, who had an amazingly beautiful daughter, with whom Nikolai was twisted. However, many did not believe in the sincerity of the feelings of young, believing that Basque was married to secure a comfortable future at the expense of a famous producer. Nikolai Presca these rumors, saying that he is connecting his deep feeling with Svetlana.

Despite sincerity and reciprocity, the couple broke up after seven years of living together. Nicholas and Svetlana have a son Bronislav.

Oksana Fedorova

"Miss Universe" was also unable to pass by charming Nicholas. Baskov and Fedorov met on one of the prefabricated concerts, after which their relationship began to develop incredibly quickly. However, before the wedding, the case did not come across and the stars broke up, but Nikolai still remembers Oksana with warmth.

Anastasia Volochkova

It was rumored that the relationship of two artists is nothing more than a PR-move. But all doubts disappeared after the couple flew to the Maldives, and the paparazzi received candid photos on which the ballerina and the singer together enjoy the beach holiday. How did not wait for the wedding fans of this pair, the Basque and Volochkova did not exchange rings.

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