Melody of your trip: as playlist fixes memories


The most reverent emotions are born in moments when all the senses are involved. Not in vain you get tears when you feel smelling from childhood or see a person similar to your first love. The rumor works at no worse! Proper music is remembered exactly no worse than magnificent landscapes and delicious food. Tell how to make a playlist and at what moments listen to your favorite songs.

Sleep off in the plane

While one grumble on crying children and noisy neighbors, other, scientific experiences, insert headphones into ears. We advise you to draw in advance in the application for listening to the music playlist from well-known songs with monotonous rhythm. So you will not listen to the text and you can calmly fall asleep for 10-15 minutes. This advice will accurately work for those who often fall asleep from the TV and likes to read the sounds of music. Just do not forget to download the playlist in the memory of the phone!

With music in the ears, the flight will pass unnoticed

With music in the ears, the flight will pass unnoticed


Check new songs

Upload an application to the phone to recognize the SHAZAM type melody. Arriving in a new city for you, turn on the local music channel or radio. Or go to the nearest restaurant, on the embankment or to the club - places where music always plays. Find the song you like and listen to it, finding it in new locations. Believe me, later you will remember these moments with a smile.

Device "Spark"

Remember the childhood and summer camp, where in the evenings you sat in the circle of all the detachment and sang the song by the fire. Who said adults can not do the same thing? While traveling with friends, gather on the beach, burn candles and sneak under the sound of the guitar or create a rhythm melody with cotton. Scientifically proven that singing contributes to the development of endorphins - to increase yourself my mood!

Arrange a party with friends

Arrange a party with friends


Soch your own song

Many "reboot" in the journey and return to the usual life updated. Instead of writing notes about impressions, put the emotions to the poems. Let the songs be ineptly, but your emotional state and memories will be reflected in them much clearer.

And we also made a selection of musical styles suitable for different life situations. Read it in an interactive material:

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