Development path: Love yourself


Since childhood, we have a belief: "love for yourself is equal to egoism." I remember how in one of the holidays, a relative told about some common with my mother and dismissively threw: "Oh, she loves too much" ...

And remember, there was a cartoon "Chetten 13", and there was such a phrase: "Love yourself, sneeze on everyone, and success awaits you?"? It seemed to me very funny and ridiculous. After all, the decent does not advise.

That is, love for himself was presented as some lack, almost sin. And I still believed that it was not only correct to live in rigor to himself, but also commended.

However, literally in recent years, the ideology of respect for themselves is fully in our life. Fortunately, people begins to make a distinction between the concepts of egoism, the behavior of destructive and unhealthy, and mature love for their emotions, the body, interests, thoughts, desires and dreams. This is the path of development. New ideas are born in love, the worldview is changing. Self-consciousness grows in love, the value system is rebuilt.

Love to yourself do not need to be confused and by vague, the younger brother of egoism. It is worth separating love for yourself and by indulging their own weaknesses. "So what is this feeling?!" - you ask.

Zhenya dreams

Zhenya dreams


To love yourself - it means to understand and take our desires, not to postpone the life for tomorrow, do not distort yourself with memories from the past. This means - not to poison your heart envy, malice or insults. This means - the ability to easily let go of the negative, without immersing the vicious circle of destructive emotions.

To love yourself is to constantly develop both physically and spiritually: to maintain health with the help of training, it is easy to eat, get rid of destructive habits, in time to undergo all verification of doctors; Learn something new, raise the qualifications, read, communicate with interesting people.

Love for yourself is a qualitative choice of your surroundings. This is the ability to put into place toxic people and so-called energy vampires. When we love ourselves, we do not allow others to violate our space with our negative.

Love for yourself is life in harmonious equal relations with a partner. This is not to allow co-dependent symbiosis, pulling both sides to the bottom, and live and develop along with a person worthy of you. Thanks to this union, mutual love and the love of everyone to themselves will be fixed.

Take and respect yourself - this is the basis of personal development.

Take and respect yourself - this is the basis of personal development.


"Well, what is this news?! - you ask. - So, it turns out, the whole life is about love for yourself?! What about sacrifice, mercy, care? Not everything rests on the adoption of yourself and their interests! Sometimes you have to make a choice in favor of other people than yourself! "

The manifestation of love towards neighbor is, it is undoubtedly important. This is one of the most important commandments of Christianity. But remember: "Love your neighbor, like yourself." This means - you first need to respect your solutions, your choice, your way. If you choose the Mercy Road, and on it you feel happily, go along it! Taking care of other people and getting sincere joy from this, do not you show love for yourself? Unless, giving love to your children, you do not feel quiet pride for every tiny victory? Is it not the proof of love for yourself?

Love for the world begins with love. If you appreciate yourself as a person as a unique, unique creation with beautiful aspirations and dreams ... If you listen to the voice of your heart and follow him ... If your soul is not poisoned by aggression, envy or longing, then you look at the world completely differently . Life no longer seems to be a frightening whirlpool, storing to absorb you. On the contrary! Favoring yourself, we seem to see the world again, we open up all new and new opportunities for the manifestation of love for us.

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