Cult fragrance Chloe 'marks five years


Each legend begins with inspiration. Creator Chloe 'Eau de Parfum Michel Almarak ("Father" Dior AdDict 2 and Zen Shiseido) immediately found it in rose exciting chords. The first creation of the perfumer for the brand was published in 2008 and completely corresponded to the spirit of the brand - light, sexy, minimalistic and very sensual fragrance in a transparent bottle with a playful bow immediately became a hit. The popularity of the novelty added a chic advertising campaign, whose face was Anya Rubik. To the anniversary of the house, the messenger replaced - the place of Ani took the Finnish model Suvi Coponen. In fact, the photographer Fabien Baron took the picture with Rubik - the same black and white pictures, the same naked sensuality. In the Chloe family, the firstborn of Eau de Parfum, with powdered notes of joining, cardiac chords of roses and magnolia and a warm loop from Ambra and Kedar, still remains an inacked sales leader.

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For five years, the perfume experienced six reissues, invariably successful and favorite fans of "pink" smells. .

A year later, on the wave of the success of Perfume, Almarak and his young (but already very popular) Colleague Amandin Marie created two fragrances at once. The original variations were released by each other - the lightweight version of the Signature Eau de Toilette and Evening Intense with an elegant black bow. The last new product was represented by a true Frenchwoman - actress Clemence Poets. Blonde beauty from the painting "To Fall on the bottom in Bruges" and a series of films about Harry Potter managed to accurately implement the Intense philosophy, the essence of which is a cured passion and innocence, maiden cleanliness and feminine sexuality. The heart of the aroma was the Absole Rosa in the cut of pink pepper, sandalwood and beans thin.

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Over time, the "pink garden" Michel Almarak became more and more impressive. .

Over time, the "pink garden" Michel Almarak became more and more impressive. Since the spring of 2011, Perfumeer solemnly welcomed the limited edition of Rose Edition with a bright branded bows. In the already familiar filigree filled bottle, the master concluded the tenderness and youth itself. No shocking sweets or flirting with "delicious" notes, aromatic symphony is simple and familiar - as if you are slowly walking along the flowering park. Rose Edition has become the fourth output of the Chloe line ', but even the fourth this variation still sounded fresh and unexpectedly. The world of beauty and fashion was surprised at the talent of Almarak - after all, he was able to re-open and extol one of the most used components once in perfumery.

A year later in the Chloe family, the long-awaited "green" aroma - sparkling and transparent L'Eau de Chloe appeared. A distinctive feature of the novelty was the unique composition: building the composition, Monsieur Almarak used natural pink water. Thanks to this secret ingredient, which is extracted by distillation from hundreds of thousands of petals, air perfume gained its own sound - inspired and playful, bright and slightly cool, as early sunny morning. At such a large concentration of "juice of roses" has not yet appeared in any of the modern perfume creations. When the author asked what attributive he would characterize L'Eau de Chloe ', he replied: "Fresh, elegant, chic, sophisticated and shining." And for the advertising campaign, it was such a messenger - a young model Camilla Row Pursherass. Removed the girl all the same Fabin Baron - the creator of the first pictures for Eau de Parfum with Anj Rubik.

The Muses of the New Aroma Roses De Chloe were invited to three young nymph, which embodied the essence of the novelties. .

The Muses of the New Aroma Roses De Chloe were invited to three young nymph, which embodied the essence of the novelties. .

Anniversary for the chloe '2013 was the year of birth of the next "pink legend" from Almaraka, who helped Milena Alran. It seemed that until this point, he managed to uncover all the secrets of the "Queen of Flowers", but the reissue of the original under the name of Roses de Chloe 'proved: the changeable and multi-panic aroma can be revealed in an infinite number of reincarnations. A saturated symphony from the petals of Damascus Rose, Bergamot and Magnolia is blossomed by a thin loop of white musk and amber. The heroines of the campaign were three models - Tilde Linds, Esther Hash and Carolina Brashan Nielsen. Three nyphs represent a gentle bottle, which has not changed for five years. Traditionally, only the shade of the unchanged touching tape is updated - this year it is painted in the color of the lung of the girl's brush.

The fairy tale of the magic garden will continue - at least all the fans of the flavors Chloeґ and the main "muse" of Michel Almarak, a changeable rose flower, are waiting for.

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