I should not and I will not: 3 "not" that need to voiced by a partner in bed


Of course, any intimate contact must occur at the request of each participant, but it happens that already during the process, unpleasant moments are clarified, which may not just pay off the desire, but also to cause real harm to one of the partners. Most often, women face negative sexual experiences, since even in an unforeseen situation they are not easy to cope with a man. So what manifestations should be stopped as soon as you start feeling uncomfortable? We tried to figure out.

You are not the king

Most men are committed to power, not only in the professional sphere, but also in bed. In reasonable limits to worry about what, however, the uncontrolled desire to possess and suppress it may be extremely negatively affecting the physical and spiritual comfort of a woman. As a rule, to recognize dominant simply before you decide to retire - this man is always the first, he does not tolerate any objections and extremely violently reacts to criticism, even a constructive. As soon as possible, let us understand that you do not beat any coercion and especially violence from his side.

do not do anything against your will

do not do anything against your will

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

You have no right to insult me

A well-known fact - ideal people do not exist, even among celebrities. And yet there are men who consider themselves just incredible aesthetes and beauty connoisseurs. Such a partner more than once hints for overweight, some external defects and will openly admire other women, putting them as an example. Do you think something will change in bed? Yes never. You need a clear position - you will not tolerate comments about your appearance or character, in extreme case, such an ideal man can search the same ideal woman, why do you need to lose time with him.

We will not engage in unprotected sex

The situation with which came probably every second woman. Of course, any man will show more interest in the proximity of "without obstacles", but in reality, it will still take advantage of the means of protection if he is important to health as a partner and its own. But sometimes to convey elementary things to the excited partner is simply impossible, and at this moment you should not show weakness - besides you no one will take care of your health, especially if you are familiar not so long ago and this is your first contact. Put a harsh condition, an adequate man will always understand and take your position.

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