Out of instagram life exists: artists who do not lure in the social network


Do not have enough money or need to recover after a divorce? What only gossip did not let the cult Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston, seeing that she registered in Instagram. In total, 6.9 million people subscribed to Jen! The first photo in the blog actresses became Selfie with partners in the series "Friends". "Now we are friends and instagram. Hi, instagram! ", Signed the picture Jennifer. Aniston has long refused to register on social networks, not seeing in this sense. Compiled a selection of stars without accounts in social networks.


After the attackers hacked the Pelagei page and removed all the pictures, the singer abandoned the social network at all. Now in the official account of the performer, the pictures lay out her manager, and Pelagia itself only sometimes gives small comments to the photo. The husband of a popular girl, Hockey player Ivan Telegin, because of great employment, also rarely appears on the network.

Johnny Depp

"I do not believe in things like this," so Johnny explained why I still have not registered in Instagram. The actor believes that time can be spent much more efficiently, and the correspondence will never replace live communication with people. But the daughter of Jack Sparrow, model Lily Rose Depp, sticks to another position - the girl actively lays out a photo and video in a personal blog.

Adil sorry (scriptonitis)

Popular Rap-executive young people have long refused to use social networks and uses a blog leading on his behalf, only in exceptional cases. For example, in March of this year, he apologized for his unworthy behavior on the scene of the Moscow Club, who defeated the mood of fans. In instagram of the ward Basta managers lay out the announcements of the upcoming events, the releases of songs and new clips to the music of scriptonite.

Angelina Jolie

"I am not in Facebook and there is no one from my children in Facebook - no one even asked to register there. We are the last family that has not registered there. " Hollywood actress not only does not use social networks, but also prohibits children to register in them, considering harmful to read the abundance of false information. Although her older child was already 17, and the junior twins 10, none of them practically uses the Internet. "Teenagers live at another time - our generation does not understand half of what they are doing in their devices, so they are easy to deceive us," Angelina is indignant in an interview with Radio BBC.

George Clooney

"I do not mind drinking in the evening ... and it can easily say nonsense, so I don't think it should have access to social networks at this time," the actor jokes. I did not notice Matt [Damon], or Brad [Pitt], or I myself caught myself at a desire at 3 am to express my thoughts in the format of 140 characters. " Who knows if he will not appear this desire later? After all, earlier, he also talks about the meaninglessness of the wedding, and later fell in love with Amal and married her.

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