Ekaterina Volkov: "And suddenly his former friend called"



"You will laugh, but it happened on stage. Dasha Sagalova took part in the show "Dancing with the Stars" and during the project made friends with Andrey. Invited him to our theater. That evening there was a performance where we were doing both. In the final, when everyone went to bow, a young man rose on the stage with flowers and approached the Dasha. I stood next to her. At that moment, there was a dress with a corset, who had greatly lost her waist and increased the chest. Andrei, looking at me, said "Wow!" What Dasha replied: "Carpov, it's not" wow ", but just a corset!" And then in the dressing room, the girlfriend told me that this is her dance partner, and winning , added: "By the way, it is free." I remember, then I was indignant: "And what is my business?!" But I myself did not realize how much he hooked me. We crossed in our theater, where he later came to work by choreographer, greet. But I did not notice from Andrei any special attention to my person, and herself could not figure it out in his own respect. All points over "I" helped to put the same Dasha. Once she stated to me: "Volkova, as you suffer me with Karpov! You like each other. That would go somewhere together, would talk directly. And they would not ask me how he was there, how she was there. " I was confused slightly, but I decided to stick together. I say, they say, it is no one for the girl to take the first step. And after some time, SMS comes to me from Andrei: "What do you do on Monday? I invite you to the dance lesson. " At first, I did not even understand that we were talking about a date, I took it as a challenge on theatrical rehearsal. I was still surprised - because that day I had a day off. When I received a confirmation that Andrei's proposal is not connected with the work, I frightened and answered ... No. And immediately scored the Sagalovo phone. He told how I refused to meet with Karpov. Dashka concisely expressed his opinion: "Well, the fool!" Speaking with a friend, I thought well, called Andrew and said that I was released on Monday. "

Their relationship has not changed a wedding nor the appearance of a child. They also touch the surprises to each other, as at the very beginning of the novel. Photo: Personal archive of Catherine Volkovka.

Their relationship has not changed a wedding nor the appearance of a child. They also touch the surprises to each other, as at the very beginning of the novel. Photo: Personal archive of Catherine Volkovka.

First date

"We danced and it was great! Agree, invitation to the cinema, to the theater, just walk - somehow funny. And dance - it's something! Not to mention that the dance incredibly brings closer. So, at the first PA, which Andrew showed me, we were still on "you", and in the learning process, you were imperceptibly switched to "you." I remember, at the end of this introductory lesson, I heard a compliment from him: "And you do not log!" But in general, Andryushka is a romantic, and he made some special one for each meeting. Once I drove after me, put in the car and says: "Rest, you can sleep. I will say when you get to the place. " And he took me out of town. And there on some clear divorced a fire and made a picnic. It was something magical, unforgettable. Even dinner in the superdorn restaurant cannot be compared with this meal on the grass. "

The actress admits that she has a challenge. Photo: Personal archive of Catherine Volkovka.

The actress admits that she has a challenge. Photo: Personal archive of Catherine Volkovka.


"Andrei - such, as a rule, attentive and caring - in my birthday did not even call. And when I scored his number, I asked me only one question: "Do you come for me today?" That day he had a shot of the next season "Dances with the Stars." It became a shame: how did he really forget about my holiday? But from the principle, I still appeared to record the program. At the end of the show, he approached me and says: "Congratulations on your birthday." And the envelope is hands, and in it two tickets to Paris. And departure at the same evening. Time remained only to come home, quickly gather and rush to the airport. It turns out that Andrei did not call the whole day just because he was afraid to say that he prepared me for a surprise. We flew to Paris. The trip was wonderful. This is a very romantic city, and doubly feel it when you come there with your loved one. And the day on the third stay in the capital of France, Andrei led me to one restaurant. The main feature is even not a wonderful cuisine and a stunning interior, and the overall singers work there. Serving customers, they fulfill well-known arias and neapolitan songs. And in the middle of dinner, several vocalists approached us, they began to sing some beautiful Serenad. Andrei took the box with a ring, handed it to me and said: "Katya, I want you to become my wife. Get out of me marry! "Want to believe, you want no, but at that moment everything sailed before my eyes, I literally numb. When the ability to realize what is happening came back, I saw that all - and singing waiters, and other restaurant visitors, and most importantly, Andrei - look at me waiting for an answer. Of course, I said "yes" and from an excess of feelings piled up. I was happy. And the surrounding rejoiced my harmony as if they were our relatives or close friends. After a time, her husband told me that he was preparing for this day: he invented a plan and slowly embodied him. Long chose a ring. The table in this restaurant had to be ordered in advance, in two months. This is all Andrei - he will not stop before, to make a real miracle for me. "

"When Andrei took the box with a ring and said:" Be my wife! " - I'm literally numb. " Photo: Personal archive of Catherine Volkovka.

"When Andrei took the box with a ring and said:" Be my wife! " - I'm literally numb. " Photo: Personal archive of Catherine Volkovka.


"We did not arise from any global conflicts. But I had to endure unpleasant moments. We have already met for about three months, and the impression was the impression that strong feelings are associated, and not just love or temporary passion. And suddenly he called his former friend. Their relationship lasted for almost five years, and they broke up shortly before we met. The girl complained that she had problems with the car, and asked for help. Andryushka could not deny her. He returned from her some others. If usually, entering the apartment, hugged me, then somehow drowned "hello", and that's it. In general, such things immediately feel. Yes, and in my eyes, I noticed that he was not with me with thoughts. A few days passed, but nothing has changed. I began to understand that this dual situation could not continue for a long time. She must somehow resolve. But no matter how hard it was for me, I was not going to hold it near myself and was preparing to voice what I thought: "The moment came when you should decide with whom of us you want to stay. And we will not have a second chance. " I was ready for this conversation. He seemed to felt my mood, called and offered to meet. I remember when I saw him, I immediately began: "So, so ..." Andrei interrupted: "No. First, listen to me. " He told me that he loved me very much and made his choice. "


"We signed the ninth of April - exactly a year before that our first date took place, which was the starting point of further relations. Therefore, we seemed symbolic and romantic to play the wedding on this day. Who knows, perhaps when we decide to get married, we will do it too, the ninth of April. "

Ekaterina Volkov:

"How many ultrasound did, the sex of the child could not call us specialists. I had to wait for childbirth. " Ekaterina Voronina, Andrei Karpov and their daughter Elizabeth. Photo: vk.com.


"Andrei first guessed that I was in an interesting position. Honestly, I didn't even come to mind in my mind. We were on vacation, and here I began to absorb food in huge quantities. She who, herself hesitated over himself, that I would come to the set of "Voronin" strongly fused. Then we returned to Moscow, stood crazy heat. And therefore, fatigue, weakness, some Nevaznetsky well-being, I wrote off on weather cataclysms. And somehow Andrei says: "And you, the case, not pregnant?" I was still laughing: "Yes, what?! Be this can not. " But it turned out that he was right. By the way, this is once again talking about how much my husband is attentive to me. Therefore, he became noticeable by some changes occurring in me, I myself missed them. And when everything confirmed, Andrei was happy. At that moment, for some reason I remembered how once, when we were still met, went into one Tallinn cafe, and a woman was sitting in the next table, and a charming carapaus was playing next to the stroller. I was very touched by his appearance, and in my own itself: "As if I wanted the same!" And Andryushka picked up with a serious look: "Will. And who do you want more - a boy or a girl? "It was then, at that very second, I felt that a man from which I would like to give birth to a child. Our firstborn seems to be specifically decided to stense our curiosity. No matter how much ultrasound did, the floor of the child could not call the specialists. I had to wait for childbirth. And when Lisa appeared on the world, Andrew was very happy daughter. But I think he will not be upset if we will have a boy with the second child. "

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