Alexander Melman: "He was created for the joy of people"


He came from Ukraine, where no one knows him. How arrived - mystery. Obviously, some Russian producers were looking for a modern type of Ukrainian: non-smooth, shrimp, unpleasant. And found, Eureka! Now Kovtun bathes in the rays of glory in Moscow.

He has a charming smile. But mostly he screams, grieves, urchit, it proves something - and then it becomes extremely antipathetic, harmful type. Q.E.D!

If there were no fame, it would be necessary to come up with. And they came up with, materialized. Maybe even a special machine allocated to him, Spetsrais, to a non-transplant to Minsk. Such a person - and without guard?!

In fact, Glory Kovtun did a lot a lot so that we would lie to harm with the Ukrainians. When our, Russian, maybe not very distant viewer looks at the glory of Kovtun, then at best laughing, in the worst - spits or hates.

Kovtun as he might defends the interests of his Nancy Ukraine. Often one and without weapons, because the whole world is against him, even his Ukrainians brothers in Russian TV studios.

But now he is a star, so this is directly declared, without the bias. He will be recognized on the streets of the capital of our Motherland, suitable, asking for an autograph. He, of course, gives what can, all he has for the soul.

He understands that this is just a game. That he is here hired a stray circus acceka, clown, albeit talented. He is not a fool at all and also understands what he participates in a chapito show for the benefit of Russia, in the interests of Russia. If, of course, what is shown on TV is Russia.

Kovtun is laughter through tears. This is a bald, but cute Galatia, created somewhere in the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. This fake is actually adopted for something truthful. And for the people and this will come down.

Kovtun is a Hamlet. Or maybe Figaro here, Figaro there. They play, he plays, everything is relying. Well, do not shoot in Kovtuna, he plays as he can. Maybe even like Pinocchio, it is designed to joy to people.

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