I will not let: where the jealousy of the partner's children from the past marriage arises


Former husband Olga Buzova Dmitry Tarasov has denied information for a long time, as if he himself does not want to communicate with his daughter from the first marriage with Oxana Osinkina. The football player assures that the mother's mother prevents their meetings with the child. However, the fans lambered in the words of the athlete, and the whole thing in the current beloved Dmitry Anastasia Kostenko: the girl in a rather sharp form spoke in comments to one of the posts.

Kostenko said: Dmitry first felt like her father after took their common daughter on his hands. Fans of the football player entered into the discussion in the comments, which incredibly angry Anastasia and she began to aggressively respond. As for Tarasova himself, he did not respond to Kostenko's deposits.

Many couples that have marriages, divorces and children are faced with a similar problem - one of the partners begins to jealous to the past.

If you can break the relationship with a partner, then children stay with a person for life, even if they live not together. However, the presence of children from previous relations may not arrange the current partner, and that is why.

"He still loves former"

When a man comes to a new family with a "baggage" in the form of children from the previous woman, the real wife begins to distort himself with the thought: "If he goes to meetings with a child, it means it pulls back." Such a thought can poison the whole joint life.

In order not to load yourself, you just ask yourself: "If he loves former, why is he with me?" Awareness that a man is with you because he loves you, can help a lot. Show generosity and do not hinder these meetings: a man will appreciate understanding on your part.

"He loves the child more than me"

Many parents tell children from previous marriages, despite new relations, they will always love her son or daughter more. Partners who themselves were children from previous marriages and faced the new family of father or mother, most likely heard such a phrase and more than once. If this applies to you, and now you can not get rid of the thought that the partner went on the weekend to meet with the child to tell him this terrible phrase for you, just think about the fact that adults often embellish the situation so that the child does not have discomfort.

"His child is the cause of force majeure"

You gathered for a concert, but here the former wife calls and says that she urgently needs to leave, but to leave a child with no one. Naturally, all your plans rushes. The situation is quite typical and in some cases you need to make concessions, but if the situation is repeated from time to once, it is obvious that the former simply does not want to leave their escaped spouse alone. The child is completely nothing here. Talk to my husband, explain how you see the situation, let him, too, will share his thoughts on this. Together you have to find a solution.

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