Polina Maksimova: "I am not a scandal with anyone and never find out the relationship"


Her heroine in the TV series "Deffchonki" is naive and windy blonde who loves parties and expensive clothes. Polina herself loves to read, does not like secular life, communicates exclusively on "you". Talked with the actress at the festival "Scarlet Sails" Artek ".

- Polina, I was impressed by the master class that you spent at the festival. Together with the children, you did the articulation gymnastics, taught the patters, and thus, the artechovtsy understood what acting life consists of. Do you start your day with speaking?

- Of course, you need to start your day with exercises. But when you get up at five in the morning, after shooting ended at two o'clock in the morning, you, of course, not before exercise. But before being in the frame, I do the workshop of the mouth, language, lips to clearly talk. After all, now people with the speech of the catastrophe, and the artists too. Frequently swallowed endings, sounds whistling "C" and "Z". Do not perform actors stage speech, and this is noticeable.

- The series "Deffchonki" turned out to be a very successful project. Do you remember how to get a role in it?

"I graduated from the Theater Institute, produced with the diploma play" Naddannica "on Ostrovsky and saw herself with a dramatic actress. Sitkom format at that time for me was a little cardboard. I'm from the acting family, and I definitely did not want to start my way from the project, where laughter behind the scenes. But they began to call and persistently invite to samples. I then starred in Kiev, in the project "Last Cordon". I was cut off bangs, the hair of the color was yellowish blond. And when the casting-director called the director, I thought that I would probably have to go, but to do everything so that there was no "no". After the casting, I didn't call for a long time, I had forgotten about him, and suddenly reported that I was approved. And for some reason I agreed. Probably because in the description of the character in brackets it was written "Marilyn Monroe." And I really love Marilyn Monroe. For me, this is a symbol of femininity.

Polina Maksimova:

In the series "Deffchonki" Polina plays naive and windy blonde

- However, the hostage of one image you did not become ...

- did not. Now I have the process of preparing for shooting in the series "Countdown", where I will be in a completely unusual for many ways. I have to shoot, fight and so on. For me it is interesting, I visit the shooter, I already shoot quite aptly, I can also quickly disassemble and collect a gun. I still do with Cascaders Stretching Drak, in order to make everything professionally on the site.

- On the Black Sea coast of Crimea you flew along with mom. She is also an actress. Often gives you professional advice?

- Mom directs me, gives a tough professional assessment as well as Dad and Grandpa do - people who have a relation to profession. Of course, many moments are unpleasant and hurt. But I know for sure that they have no envy, they just want me to help develop further.

- You are often seen with my mother in different places. It turns out, do you real girlfriends?

- Yes, we are the best girlfriends. We can discuss any topics. I have no secrets and secrets.

- And your dad makes incredible things. I heard that he swam the ocean alone!

- Yes it's true. Dad to form an actor, but does not do the profession. He has his own business now, he works and travels. Thugged all countries of Africa, was even in Papua - New Guinea, where cannibals remained. A year and a half lived on Tibet in a tent. I made a trip around Kailas Mount at high altitude, bought in lakes with dead and lively water. And then Dad has conceived to go through the Atlantic Ocean. He prepared for a very long time, for a year and a half built a boat. Then he entered the society of ocean rowers and made a transition. On November 15, 2014, he left the shores of Portugal, and on March 16, 2015 came to Barbados. All on oars and alone. For the first week he lost eighteen kilograms. We did not sleep at night and, of course, cheated grandfather with a grandmother, fatherly parents. They said that he was gone on a huge yacht with men.

Polina Maksimova:

"Mom directs me, gives a tough professional assessment. I am not okay, because I know - she wants to help me develop further. "

Ulyana Kalashnikova

- Are you character in dad? Is the same purposeful?

- I just know what I want. Parents taught me to be honest in your profession. If you do, already do well. Now the actor's profession is depreciated. No longer need to complete theatrical institutions, and all who are not lazy to the cinema: very strange. I'm rustling about the profession. We do not work in it, we serve. People and art. And the ministry is a complete return of yourself.

- Polina, I listen to you and understand that you are not at all the naive blonde, which is played in the TV series "Deffchonki" ...

- I do not want to prove anything to anyone. I am comfortable in the image of idiot and not explain that I am so intellectual. All you need, I prove in the frame. I am generally a very closed person, I live in some kind of my shell and save energy very much. I am not a part, and every way to light for me is a heavy emotional story. I love to be at home ... I can, of course, and to my friends to come to a concert, I am an adequate girl. But I'm afraid to spill, I would like to remain a solid person. Although, of course, I understand that all these parties are part of my profession.

- From fans you probably beat off hourly?

- They are! Just to get to me is not so easy. And he is hard with me. I was brought up so that if you are an unfamiliar person, then I don't need to poke him, even if he is your peer. This is an uncompatory. So, for me it is the norm of life, but for many other for some reason there are no ... poke, and they also sentence: "Yes, if you, be easier, and people will reach out for you ..." And I will not be easier ... and not I need to stretch to me ... I will be with those who do not need to explain this ...

With Anastasia Denisova - a colleague on the series

With Anastasia Denisova - a colleague for the series "Deffchonki"

- Polina, admit, with such right views on life you managed to find a soul mate?

- Once it was possible, but we broke up. Since then, I am selective and careful with people. Many people want to meet with a blonde actress and be proud of it. But when relationships begin, much changes. Sometimes you come home and do not want to talk. Or you can not, because the whole day is talking, you smile, and I want to simply silent at home ... Not all understand it. After all, you need to care for a man, grooming, cherished. Of course, it is hard, but I happened to me (he was an athlete with a very strict nutritional mode). He came home after shift, up to four in the morning was prepared first, second and compote. I do not have a maid, I myself do everything around the house, because I really value my personal space.

- Obviously, you need a strong and understanding man ...

- And absolutely self-sufficient, confident in itself and in me. He who will respect me and my profession. There are two holy things for which you can not encroach. If a person at least something negative about my parents or profession, I immediately break up with him. By the way, I do it professionally and quickly. (Smiles.) I do not rust for me. I am not a scandal with anyone and never find out the relationship.

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