What to give a man on February 23 to the March 8 he did not start to take revenge


Already thinking about the Vish list on March 8? And you didn't have forgotten about my husband? Let's admit to ourselves honestly: we, women, often extinguish the egoist. Huge bouquets, payments for dinners in restaurants, taxis and other for us have long become trifles and "so it should be" when in fact a man spends everything from his pocket. We hope that on February 14, you have already presented a good gift in your lover, so that 23 will only have a consolidation result. And so that you do not miss, we will offer entertainment that you will come immediately by both partners:

Flying in Aerotruba

You will not forget this impression for a long time! Flying over a powerful jet of air and performing tricks under the guidance of the instructor will be able to feel like a bird for a couple of minutes. The feeling of freedom in flight allows you to release control over your body and mind, which has a positive effect on the emotional background and erases fatigue.

Karting - Excellent entertainment for group

Karting - Excellent entertainment for group

Photo: unsplash.com.


You can rent a kart for you two or throw off your girlfriends and arrange a holiday immediately for several pairs. The second option is even more interesting: you can compete with men and women separately, couples or arrange the race one on one. Speed ​​is always emission of adrenaline, due to which the iron is stimulated, which is responsible for serangeon. Imagine how cool will then go to dinner together and discuss all the impressions of the past day!

Clay crafting

And if you want to spend the day of the defender only a pair, go to the master class. You can sculpt abstract figures from clay and laugh at their absurdity, and you can make a whole set of dishes for the house. Entertainment involving finger motility activates brain performance. This means that the topics for the conversation during the modeling will be located by themselves, and you can become even closer.

During the modeling you will, what to talk about

During the modeling you will, what to talk about

Photo: unsplash.com.

Shooting in dash

If you have matured before the holiday, then you are a straight road to the shooter. Shooting helps reset the tension due to concentration on the process and positive emotions from the Making Purpose. We advise not just shoot on paper targets, but choose the option where the bullet will pass through bottles, plastic and other items from different materials. Although all the time you will be in noise-canceling headphones, yet some of the sound will be coming to you, stimulating various brain departments. We are confident that you will be tired that there will be no strength to Rugan.

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