Irina Medvedev: "Now the happiest moment in my life"


- Irina, you feel, Guest is long-awaited here, the public enthusiastically takes you ...

- I have been cooperating with the national program "in a family circle" for several years, and all festivals that organize these people who have already become native, all the events, the installation of monuments to Saint Peter and Fevronia, Muromsky, do not leave me indifferent. To us on the performance, on festival views come entire families, with children of different ages, and this is unusually pleasant. And work with such a master, like Krzysstof Zanussi, is a separate gift. We have released a magnificent play "Rita Education", and soon we will begin to rehears from another formulation, and we will do it in Warsaw, Kshyshtof is at home. Each rehearsal with such a large-scale person, as Zarussi, brings me something new not only as actress, but also as a person. He knows how to disassemble the play, explain one or another scene, so beautiful to convey the meaning, after which you open the truth for ourselves.

- The family festival is quite appropriate: how much are you the family person yourself?

- I am very family, faithful. Family for me is absolutely holy concept. And I think you need to easily remind people, especially the young generation, about this cell of society. We condemn those who are trying to debunk marriage status. I am against civil unions, where no one wants to take responsibility, and with the slightest problems they are running out. If you have determined for yourself that you can not live without this person, you need to be married to the church and register. Nonsense that stamp does not mean anything. All this is cementing, holding factors from dashing temptations. Being in a legitimate marriage, a person before seeing left or say something offensive, will still think, will suffer, give way. And I do not care about the recognition of same-sex marriage. It scares. Perhaps it will be coordinated, but it seems to me that if you inspire that it is normal, a catastrophe will occur. Let saying like a grandmother, but if not we, thirty-year-old, then who will fight all this and what awaits our children?! Bans save. I do not smoke, but when I put tight sanctions, I discovered that many people had enough cigarettes. And the traditional family needs to protect. Love, respect, friendship is required in marriage, and children should feel it. My childhood, who passed in Bobruisk, the Mogilev region was very happy. We celebrated all family holidays together, and it was fun. It is a pity that in the modern world is losing such quality as devotion, and many people are separated, ten-year children may well meet the New Year without parents, and this is wrong. At Easter or Christmas you need to be close to the most close people. This traditions I will definitely follow in my family. My home will always be fused, are urged. I am a good mistress.

- Is it important for you to be a creative person who understands next to you?

"The man is still the head of the family, and every woman should make him feel a man." Alas, today, in the emancipated world, many men do not feel confident next to a strong, self-sufficient woman.

Irina Medvedev:

Skatch-show "6 frames", where Irina constantly changes images, made an actress very popular. .

- And you just like this impression and produce.

- I know it. But believe me, the impression is deceptive. Yes, I work without tired, there is a lot of things on yourself, but when a man turns out to be near, I will never raise my suitcase and will not scold a nail. For such activity, sometimes scolding my mother. Our moms, brought up in Soviet times, are accustomed to not wait for men, they themselves rearrange the furniture, wear several bags in their hands, wear a coat at a party ... And this is a mistake. In our team, "6 frames" I never independently go out of the car - I wait when the guys will give hand. This is not because I am such a queen, but just want men to feel so and so gallant gestures would be natural for them and that women are not surprised.

- For some reason, it seems that you grew up a real kid, were friends with boys ...

- I can not say so. He was friends with boys and girls. And I have always been extremely many friends. And now, by the way, a big problem to find time for friendship in my mad vital pace. Mostly by phone we communicate. And I was a creative child, much was kept - dancing, athletics, was active, participated in all contests.

- You participated in "big races", and now ride in the "Ice Delight". All for various reasons go to this project: Someone - to test yourself, someone - just to raise the rating. What is the case?

"I am showing me on TV and so every day, and I don't feel a lack of popularity, believe me. Initially, I agreed to participate in order to try something new and, most importantly, to enjoy the process. And my partner Povilas Vanagas with me completely solidar. We have no goal be sure to become the first - we will gladly go to the rehearsal and do not focus on the estimated results. Let's see what will happen next, as far as my forces of physical and creative. And if you go with a distance at some stage, it means only what I was unworthy to go further. At first, I was literally dreamed of ice, and I asked me to teach me at once with all the complex elements. I woke up as sports and creative excitement. I am in all this - when I'm keen on something, I need to reach the end, make everything hard, do not go on a light path. Suppose, in childhood I thought to learn how to play the guitar. So I used to come to classes and wound the circles around the building, because the energy in me literally buried. And in the first year I mastered the two-year program, greedily choosing new information and constantly getting admiration of teachers.

"I know that you still sing perfectly, especially the romances, and somehow said that the child saw himself a singer. In this regard, there was no desire to go to Casting Musik?

- just now I rehearsed the main role in the musical. This is a story about the life of the first European actress who conquered Hollywood, who had, by the way, and Russian roots. I am very proud that I would participate in this wonderful event and that I won the star casting, because Ekaterina Guseva, and Anastasia Stotskaya, and Alyona Babenko, and other wonderful actresses were tried to this role. But lucky to me. (Smiles.)

- Once you dreamed of playing Oleg Tabakov, but today you are in the free flight, do not belong to any repertoire theater ...

- And I like it. No one dictates anything to me from the outside. I can choose what I will be involved, look at the script, the team, director ... If the project "hooked" me, then I will go to it for three kopecks. And if not, then you can't lure me with big money. Now, with the acquisition of experience, I feel already a certain strength of the dramatic actress, I am convinced that much I can. Let some still be perceived as an actress of the comedy genre - this is also a compliment, as it is harder to mix, than to get to cry, everyone knows. And the woman and humor things are the more incompatible. (Smiles.) But I am glad that I do not have an amplua as such, and a variety of suggestions come to me. As you can see, Godhead put everything in its place. We do not always want that we really need. Now I do not make anything and gratefully accept what fate gives. I trust her. But if we talk about your preferences, that is, the thought of playing Tatyana in "Onegin" ... Let's see how it will happen ...

- Our Matters - Zakharov, Govorukhin, Menshov - recognized that they were watching "6 frames." And in your work they called you?

- Not. While the name is other eminent directors and exclaim the meetings: "How I love you! You have five such cool women in your program! " "We have only two of them" - I answer modestly. (Smiles.) But when I see a positive response, not from the audience, but from colleagues, it is, of course, worth a dear.

Irina Medvedev:

In the play of Krisyshtof Zanussi "Rita Rita", Irina plays a coarse, but sincere hatcher, which under the influence of Professor (Fedor Dobronravov) turns into an educated lady. Photo: Igor Steps.

- You graduated from the Belarusian Academy of Arts in Minsk, the year later played on the stage in the theater of the Belarusian army, worked on local television and very quickly saw that the ceiling was already reached on this territory, and did not feel the prospects. Behind them you rushed into Moscow, where they first lived, and then a breakthrough occurred ... such a classic biography. Now you may be hollywood holly?

- No, the Russian language in which I speak from childhood is here. And I'm not ready to start everything from scratch in another country. I have something to do here. In the summer, starred in a magnificent television picture. But so far, alas, a rich schedule does not allow you to take a full meter. We even take our "6 frames" at night, and I do not have time to read the films and theatrical play scenarios. I live in non-stop mode, I will sleep with urabs, I don't always have time to eat, but I do not complain, because I know: barely begin to grumble about excessive loads, sorry yourself, life is instantly selected. This is the law. I feel that now the happiest moment in my life, as my heroine says in the performance of "Rita".

"I didn't accidentally ask about America, because your native older sister settled with her husband in New York and works in a jewelry company ..."

- Yes, she is good there. But I have never gotten out to her, I only plan. And now she gave birth and came here with a child. Here she is more familiar.

- On vacation, as I understand it, there is no time ... And I heard that you love to leisurely read the classics ...

- That's right, modern literature does not attract. Fantastics, detectives with difficulty perceive. And I read now only on vacation. This year I broke out for myself five days. I was going to fly to Paris, but I realized that I could not relax, you need a sea, and at night I took a ticket to Turkey, on myself and my mother, and I've left in the morning. On the same day I made a massage there, I got intoxicated ...

- Still, you work for wear, because not only for the sake of the creative component, but also for the sake of recognition, a stable material base. What is the minimum for you?

"I never strove to big glory and big money, they always have a negative side." The recognition is in plus when solving bureaucratic issues, in the hospital, on the road, and so simple, on the street, paint. I have autographs even as a border asking. Although it would seem that I did this special?! But this situation implies that you should always be in the form, we can not relax and live like in a realistic show that can end up at any time. As for the money, they should be enough. It is important for me that my life is arranged comfortable. Therefore, I change the cars every three years and do it not because of the worst, but in order not to wear on services with repair. Then I wondered for a long time without money on removable livingplas, was all the time in a suspended state, I suffered because of emotional instability - falling asleep, I thought: And suddenly, tomorrow I was long for work and I would be asked to free the room, go outside, frost ... It is clear that it's clear that I dreamed of already acquiring your own corner in the capital to have a secure rear. At first I bought a small apartment in a house with some kind of gloomy, a dark courtyard, where I had a glass from the car, and I realized that I, firstly, the space is required more, and secondly, it is necessary to guard. Year I was looking for an acceptable option, but in the end I found. Now from my window offers stunning views of the silver boron. In addition, the house is ideal: if anything happens, electrician, plumber, etc. come immediately, and how nice to go into a well-kept staircase, then climb himself in a beautiful apartment! .. With the design, my cousin Olesya helped me. I sketched something about what I want, told her that I was taking a classic style, with the impression of Provence, adapted to the city lifestyle. Much of me is made individually - doors, kitchen. There are two fireplace, however, unreal ... Six months, I winding around the tour, I made repairs by phone and the Internet. I ordered a tile, I asked me to send me a circuit of sockets, the masters called me early in the morning with questions ... It was hell, but now, crossing the threshold, I see what I suffered not in vain. (Smiles.)

- Now you have an exceptionally working stage. Personal life is not priority?

- Why did you decide so? I am configured for harmony, and she is in the combination of creativity and love. A woman should not exhaust his body, "Plow" all the time - it is wrong. This period may be, but it is not necessary to draw it into it. A woman was created for home comfort, the conservation of the focus, and I do not forget about it.

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