15 products that can not be stored in the refrigerator



If you eat a dozen eggs for one or two weeks and buy them with hundreds, it is better to store the product in a cool dry place, and not in the refrigerator. The relatively thin and porous shell of chicken eggs cannot protect the protein and yolk from dry and saturated with strangely air smells. The egg loses moisture, becomes more dense, and the taste changes not for the better.


Send fresh bread to the refrigerator is a real barbarism, because in the end it will be a portion of tasteless rubber balls. Execution Experts are ready to make only ready-made sandwiches, which in principle do not claim the laurels of the gastronomic masterpiece.


Juicy ripe fruits with a thin skin do not like coolness: in the refrigerator, the cellular membranes of tomatoes are destroyed, and the tomatoes themselves dry and lose the fragrance. The same happens with fruit like plums, mango, peaches. They are also wiser too in a vase on the table - there will be a good reminder there is more fiber.

Tomatoam is not a place in the refrigerator

Tomatoam is not a place in the refrigerator

Photo: pexels.com.


It is psychologically difficult to decide to leave a cup with natural yogurt just on the table - he is of milk, and it will quickly deteriorate. But bacteria, thanks to which milk and becomes yogurt, produce lactic acid - a natural preservative. Therefore, the yoghurts of factory production in hermetic packaging safely leave on the table. But if you just like the cold yogurt more, without refrigerator can not do.


Many people in habit are sent to the bank of a salad tuna to the refrigerator, but he takes a place in vain. Canned me canned food to quietly wait for its o'clock at room temperature. Especially if you use tuna for salads and sandwiches - the dish will succeed more juicy and pleasant on the texture of warm fish.


Rare Mandarin or Orange, who arrived in Russia was ruddled by ripe. Most fruits have to win on the spot, and the cool environment is hampered. As if reminding about it, in the fridge of the peel of citrus fruits is covered with non-festive dark spots.


Fresh crispy cucumber in principle should not long wait for departure to the salad. And a couple of days he will perfectly spend in a bowl or paper package somewhere in the kitchen. The dry air of the refrigerator spoils the cucumber skirt faster than sunlight.


It was quite edible honey in the excavations of the Egyptian tombs - it was well preserved in a tightly closed clay pot. No wonders: there are antibacterial components in honey, which make the shelf life of the product almost infinite. But in the refrigerator honey faster crystallizes, that is, it loses the aroma and texture.


Parsley, dill, spinach, kinza feel well in the refrigerator, if you put them in a glass with water or wrap in a wet napkin. Not a basil. Its delicate leaves in a fresh atmosphere faster are faster, lose valuable essential oils, and instead of them absorb smells of lying nearby products.

Save avocado, pull it out of the refrigerator

Save avocado, pull it out of the refrigerator

Photo: pexels.com.


Hard avocado in the refrigerator is deprived of a chance to ripen, ripe becomes less tasty and cream - low temperature changes the molecular structure of its fats. Save avocado, put it in a fruit vase or paper bag!


Ready canned salad refills for sure should not occupy a place in the refrigerator. The aroma and spice of tomato, soy, fish and worm sauces are better open at room temperature. Home mixers are also calmly at room temperature, if made of vegetable oil, mustard, vinegar, lemon juice and garlic. But if there were fruit juice, greens, yogurt or berries in the recipe, you will have to hide sauce in the refrigerator.


The "blue" vegetable prefers dark corners and a comfortable temperature for humans: at + 10 ° C and below the pulp of eggplant becomes rubber and loose, with +23 it feels good and more.

Peanut paste

Walnut paste is a great way to eat protein and useful fats. To do this, it is enough to smear it on a whole grain loaf or to dip in the pasta slices of apples. But to do it easily, only if the bank was kept in the usual kitchen cabinet. With + 4 ° C, typical of the refrigerator, the mass is frozen, it becomes more dry: it is more difficult to wear out, and it's not so nice.


Carrots, turnips, beets, potatoes - all these roots feel bad on the lower shelves of refrigerators, where condensate usually accumulate. In such conditions, they begin to germinate, wither and even be covered with mold. That this does not happen, for the "long-playing" vegetables, it is better to take place on a heated balcony or in a dark kitchen cabinet away from heating devices.


Coffee beans are characterized by the striking ability to absorb smells and also intensively share their own aroma. Therefore, to store an open pack of coffee in the refrigerator is meaningless: it will definitely not make it better, but will affect neighboring products. Coffee feels great in a glass jar with a lid on a conventional kitchen shelf.

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