Habits that annoy your colleagues


Irritability, ridicule, nervous look at the clock - for you it is synonyms for office work? Surely the problem in the uncomfortable environment. And, as you know, if you are annoyed everything around, you need to first look at yourself. Compiled a list of features that are annoyed by colleagues - check if they are not peculiar to you.

"Masha, hello! Well, how are you doing there? "

The most common cause of the camsoles of colleagues is a man who chatting on the phone without celestial. Discussion of personal problems, the solution of household issues, the exchange of gossip - to talk about it or not solve only you. Just remember about the etiquette and leave telephone conversations at the end of the working day or at least for lunch when colleagues will disperse along the nearest cafe. Now many offices are built as Open-Space: Tables of ordinary workers stand next to each other, and not divided into cabinets. To fulfill your duties in the conditions when another person is talking next to, it is simply impossible.

talk about personal can be out of office

talk about personal can be out of office

Photo: unsplash.com.

"With you 500 rubles for a gift Ivan Ivanovich"

It is strange that even in decent companies still there is a system for collecting money for a gift. Moreover, there is one initiative person who decides to become a mini accountant and unimportantly remind everyone around about the grandmarine of receiving money. Birthday, weddings, the appearance of children and even funeral - reasons for throwing away, maybe mass. If you are working in the manual, offer a good tradition of official greetings from the authorities and the presentation of symbolic certificates - an additional weekend or opportunity to come half an hour later during the week. This is already practiced - and the results please the members of the team.

"Click-click-click ..."

In writing, imitating monotonous sound looks harmless. But in reality, click on the automatic handle, tapping the fingers on the table or the back wall of the table will bring even the most calm person on emotions. Any such movement indicates that you have nervous tick or stress symptoms. If you are often nervous, buy an antistress ball and compress it during exacerbations. It would be nice to put a bottle of water on the table - Drink it with small sips to distract and calm down.

Do not click the handle - it annoys all

Do not click the handle - it annoys all

Photo: unsplash.com.

"But I think ..."

The expression of his own opinion and setting up position is commemable behavior. The problem is not that you disagree with the team, but in how you annoy this thought. Imagine two models: the first person is dying his nose and expresses his position with reproach to the incompetence of colleagues, while the second is configured positively and invites colleagues together to discuss the preliminary plan of innovation. To whom you would have react better?

"My cat gives birth ..."

For all years of work, each accumulates their list of colleagues. While alone is justified for the octazing by any case of 33 misfortunes, others honestly admit that they slept and apologize for the delay. Forget about infantality forever and learn, finally, recognize your guilt. After all, this situation can be involved not only late, but also with the skipping of Deadline preparation of documents, a decline in sales - yes anything. People appreciate honesty and sincere desire to correct their mistakes - learn from them and do not repeat the misses.

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