Flowers of life: stars who have become parents in 2019


Yesterday in the near Moscow hospital "Lapino" was born heir to Timati. The second child of the rap-performer called Ratmir - in honor of Ratmir Shishkova deceased in 2007, Timura Yunusov's friend. The newly minted parents became not the first pair, whose family in 2019 became more per person. He made a selection of celebrities recently become mothers and dads.

Maria Poroshina

When the media learned about pregnancy, the actress shortly after the divorce with her husband, the first of his fatherhood attributed to the permanent partner of Mary on stage - Actor Yaroslav Boyko. However, in the personal blog, Instagram Poroshina denied these rumors: "Yaroslav to my motherhood happiness, which we share with the father of our future heir to two countries (and he lives outside of Russia), not the slightest relationship." The long-awaited boy was born on January 11 - he was called Andrey.

Tatyana Tereshina

The singer gave birth to the son of Arsenia from the 23-year-old businessman Oleg Kurbatov. Of the pregnancy and childbirth Tanya, the secret did not make and almost immediately shared a snapshot of the heir. "Favorite men, you are ideal," Tereshin Society signs his post and accompanies with his emoticons in the form of red hearts. It can be seen how warm relations reign in the family of the performer - we wish them endless happiness.

Konstantin Khabensky

In February of this year, the third child of a popular actor appeared on the light - the name of the semi-annual girl is still kept secret. The average Alexander lives with him and his wife, actress Olga Litvinova, and the eldest son, the 11-year-old Ivan, had long moved to Barcelona along with his grandmother, where dad and stepmother often visit him. In the comments under the only joint image of Konstantin with daughters, which Olga removed the time after the time, there were only positive comments addressed to the men - fans in one voice called him a kinderful man and wish family happiness.

Victoria Lopirez

The firstborn of the TV presenter was born this winter - the boy called the unusual double name Mark Lionel. Victoria and her husband, a businessman Igor Bulatov, cannot rejoice in his new status. Every month parents celebrate a mini-holiday in honor of their heir. Mom Victoria on the personal page admits that her grandson taught her a lot - "love, refinement, the ability to look at the usual eye, to pacify their ego and overcome too lazy."

Alexandra Savelev

In March of this year, singer Sasha Savelyev and actor Kirill Safonov became parents. For 35-year-old Alexandra Leon became the first child, while Kirill already has an older daughter from the first marriage. The couple prefers to conduct a secretive lifestyle - the news about the birth of the child they shared only two weeks later events.

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