Woke up and arrived: stars who adore combination dresses


The combination dresses that many mistakenly confuse with nightgowns will probably never come out of fashion. In addition, it is difficult to find more feminine style dresses. Stars agree with this statement, and among them there are the real fans of combinations. Who are they and which models prefer - we decided to figure it out.

Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova

The singer simply adores classic combinations, most often the artist chooses light dresses that are perfectly combined with its light skin and hair, without weighting the image. Natalia chooses "combiners" for a photo shoot, exits in the light and do not forget to take on vacation - it is necessary to shine in any situation.


TV presenter can also be attributed to fans of silk dresses. However, unlike ion, Aurora Mixet styles: the star can go out as in a feminine image with boats, so put on a combination on top of the T-shirt and supplement the image of the chocer - right as in the distant 90s. We admit, we are delighted with the ideas of Aurora!




Layisan Utyasheva

As a former athlete, Utyashev can boast just a stunning figure, which sin does not emphasize, with which silk combinations are perfectly coped with. And yet the girl is not limited to products from silk - in the wardrobe of the stars there are combinations of various, but at the same time lightweight materials, and the stores of the TV presenter selects the most relevant, for example, with the original decor in the form of non-baked fringe.

Layisan Utyasheva

Layisan Utyasheva


Alena Vodonaeva

The star knows exactly how to emphasize his sexuality - nothing is better than combination in this case, and we have already talked about it. Vodonaeva perfectly combines several styles, for example, feminine classics and slightly "dries" with her leather jacket. To confess, this combination can be called one of the most successful, since these two styles practically do not conflict.

Alena Vodonaeva

Alena Vodonaeva


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