How to deal with allergies in the sun


Allergic to the sun, or photodermatitis, is developing if there are violations in the immune system, due to which the body perceives solar radiation as hostile. As a result, even after a short stay in the sun, redness appear, peeling, rash, swelling and itching.

Photodermatitis may arise from those who already have allergies to chocolate, nuts and coffee, in children, in people who are not frowning after illness or suffering from chronic diseases (especially kidneys, liver and endocrine system), in the elderly. The tendency to such allergies is able to be inherited. The reaction may be caused by a reception of various drugs, herbs (for example, a hormour) and products containing substances that increase susceptibility to solar radiation. Among them are some antihistamines. Enhance the risk of developing allergies and solar burns Antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products, antipyretic and painkillers, antifungal medications, diuretics, oral contraceptives, antidepressants. Moreover, the sensitivity to the Sun can be maintained after the abolition of drugs.

Alcohol, especially champagne and wine, sharp food, fresh juices (in particular, carrot and citrus juice), parsley, dill, celery, sorrel, fennel, figs - all this does not need to be used if you are going to go out in the sun.

Natalia Gaidash k. M. N., Dermatologist, cosmetologist

- You need to pay attention to perfume and cosmetics: essential oils (bergamot, orange, lavender, verbena, musk, sandalwood, rosemary), as well as glycolic, salicylic and other acids make the skin more reactive to the Sun. Therefore, the composition of spirits and toilet water, creams and lotions, deodorants, lipsticks that you use in spring and summer, these substances should not be included.

People with photosensitive skin follows from the moment of the appearance of the first sunlight to use sunscreen with a high protection factor - from 30 within the city and from 50 and higher if you are going to the beach. Update tool need every one and a half hours. There is an outdoor (for example, playing active games, swim or work in the garden) is recommended to 10 am and after 16.00. The rest of the time you need to use awning, wearing hats, sunglasses and clothing, to the maximum protecting skin.

All people suffering from allergies in the sun, quickly "burning", as well as ceiling, with blond hair and eyes are included in the risk group on melanoma. This is the most aggressive skin cancer. I highly recommend everyone to visit the specialist and diagnose the skin before the summer season.

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