From the whole mind: What strange gifts make celebrities fans


Fans often indulge their favorite artists with gifts. So the admirers of Philip Kirkorov pleasantly surprised the star after one of the artist concerts.

Filipp completed the speech, after which the representatives of the city administration presented a whole salge, wrapped in Foil. Kirkorov was so impressed that he immediately made a post in his account in social networks, which caused a squall of admiring comments in the Spirit "With this schedule a very useful gift."

We decided to remember who Celabritis received gifts that are difficult to attribute to a simple gesture of love and admiration.

Philip Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov

Valery Leontyev

Fans of Valeria decided that the best gift is the best friend, so they gave the puppy's singer, which was left straight on stage. The artist took the dog, but asked for admirers next time to limit "non-residential" gifts. Since the singer is constantly on tour, he just does not leave the animal with anyone. Another time, the singer almost received an apartment from one of the fans, but refused, because in this case the woman would be left without housing.

Irina Allegrova

"Empress" of the Russian scene can not do without a throne. So the fans decided and made the throne on their own. The fan club spent several months on the manufacture of an unusual gift. The seat laid a soft pillow for the convenience of artist, and also put a microphone to a gift.

Nikolay Baskov

Nikolay receives not only flowers from fans, but also quite unusual presents. One day, the admirers presented him with a living horse, whom Basque settled in the suburbs on one of the conezavodov. Well, and how can the "golden voice" can do without the "gold microphone": on the 35th anniversary, the fans presented the microphone in the artist, covered with diamonds.

Dima Bilan.

Probably, Dima Bilan received the most unusual gift. After a successful concert in Stavropol, the city administration surprised the artist, having passed him as a gift ... Herd of Baranov. As you know, the lambs went to the parents of Dmitry, as the singer himself is just once to do farming and care for animals.


The singer was pleased with a truly unique gift: the fan decided that Valeria simply needs to get a real wave of Mammoth. At first, the security with suspicion reacted to a man with an incomprehensible convolution, but the singer was delighted with the singer. The bevel is estimated at about 100 thousand dollars.

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