Are you ready, parents? 4 questions to which you need to answer before pregnancy


The birth of a child is one of the most responsible solutions in our lives. Unfortunately, rare future parents relate to this issue with all seriousness, preferring to solve problems as they arrive. From here most often begin the main problems in a pair. We decided to find out what questions it is important to answer the responsible parent before planning a pregnancy.

Do you have a financial opportunity to keep a child

Many women heard from the girlfriends and relatives of the older generation: "Well, before something I somehow gave birth, and nothing!" In such a situation, the woman who worries the financial side of the question, begins to experience the most real feeling of shame - indeed, everyone gave birth, and she thinks about money. Prohibit yourself similar thoughts. The world and the economic situation changed so much that it is planned to plan almost every step, especially in the case of the advent of children. Discuss with your partner if you can provide a baby without any victims for its part.

The child takes a lot of strength

The child takes a lot of strength


How will you care for a child

It would seem that the answer is elementary - of course, Mom! But do not rush. Rate your family separately from other families who earn more in your pair, who in principle can afford to spend more time with the child. Quite often, the fathers become the best candidacy, but no one has canceled mom's participation. It happens when one parent does not cope, and here it is worth thinking about the invitation of nanny. It is important to assess your capabilities - both financial and psychological - in advance.

What will happen to your career

Probably the most unpleasant question, especially for a woman who went to the post of dreams for many years. Of course, today we see a lot of examples when successful businesswomen combine a laptop with a crib, but not every woman is capable of such a double life - high-quality work and care for the child take an incredible amount of forces. Most often you have to choose something one. Are you ready for such sacrifices?

How are you in principle about children

Non-obvious question, but nevertheless very important. It seems to us that even if the children are annoying, they will certainly be different. No, all the children are the same, you will not be able to adjust the baby for yourself, rather, you will have to adjust your life and character under the new family member. It is also worth thoroughly think about the moment as your partner is ready for such a sharp change in the lifeguard.

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