Blogger or engineer? 5 reasons why we are against the refusal of higher education


If you look at instagram, every second refuses to higher education and goes to the blogger's sphere or other business. And although the work from the house with a free schedule seems to be a tempting offer, yet we have several reasons to continue to gnaw the granite of science at the university ...

Do not limit the choice of professions

Who can work without education? A journalist, photographer, graphic designer, actor - a list, mainly, will consist of creative professions that do not really require six years of study. However, for such professions, such as the doctor, engineer, architect, without education at university can not do. You will simply not allow work, no matter how much you have learned on the Internet courses.

Not in all professions you can work without education

Not in all professions you can work without education

Do not be apprentice

You can become a blogger assistant, then develop your blog and make money on it. But what is the probability of this? Most likely, all your time will be occupied by routine work, and for personal projects will have to take a sleep clock. It turns out that almost no one comes to the stage of creation, but will remain on the position of the assistant with the growth of wages in +/- 10%.

Think about the development of competencies

The university will always give you as much as you want to take. This means that you should not be limited to the framework of your faculty. You can go to the exchange semester to Europe with a scholarship, go to an internship to a large company, win the International Olympics, write a scientific article, visit the lectures of other faculties and so on. Try to watch wider, find a mentor for yourself among teachers and use what you provide.

Get useful contacts

Text teachers see promising students. Often the mentor will be able to recommend you to work to one of the former students or internship. Do not forget that classmates can come in handy .... By completion of study, half of them will already work, which means you can take you at least into practice, if not in the state. A dozen years later, some of them will become cool experts, the contacts of which you will definitely need.

Former classmates - excellent contacts

Former classmates - excellent contacts

Do not forget about scholarships

Career experts advise how much as possible as possible to get a good company after studying. And so that there were money for pocket expenses, it is important to also receive excellent marks and is served on high scholarships on time. And do not forget to participate in university projects - for them from the scientific council you can give you an additional amount to support.

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