Spinach and Cheremsha: Recipes with fresh greens



This low-calorie grass is 100 g of only 23 kcal, but it is very useful. If you eat about 150 g of spinach, you can fully ensure the daily rate of iron, vitamins A, K, beta-carotene. There are in spinach in, pp, e, n, potassium, calcium, ascorbic acid, selenium and other trace elements.

Spring garnish

Ingredients: 500 g of spinach, butter, cream, salt, pepper, nutmeg.

Cooking method: Spinach leaves rinse well and dry paper towel. Melt butter in a pan. Share spinach. As soon as the leaves begin to approve, pour some cream. Stir, salt, pepper, add nutmeg. At the request, the side dish can be sprinkled with solid cheese.

Spinach Open Pie

Ingredients: Puffing puffwindless dough, 400 g of spinach, 2 eggs, 100 g of solid cheese, olive oil, 1 cup of milk, salt.

Cooking method: Test sheet roll over baking form. Flooding flour and lay out the dough so that the cake was high edges. Eggs beat with 200 ml of milk. Displace the leaves of spinach, eggs with milk and add 3 tbsp. l. olive oil. Salt. Starting pour into pie. From above sprayed with grated cheese. Put for 40 minutes in the oven, heated to 180 degrees.

Spinach Open Pie

Spinach Open Pie

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


This plant is especially useful in April-May. It contains a lot of vitamin C (100 g of about 100 ml), vitamins A, B, essential oils and most importantly - lysozyme, which is considered a natural antibiotic.

Cheese pasta with a rough

Ingredients: 150 g of solid cheese, 2 eggs, ½ beam of the cerema, sour cream, mayonnaise, salt, pepper.

Cooking method: Bare eggs. The abyme is very finely chopped and grinding with salt so that she will let juice. Grate the cheese on a shallow grater. Sour cream mix with mayonnaise. All ingredients are connected, salt and pepper.

Cheese pasta with a rough

Cheese pasta with a rough

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Salad with a cerema

Ingredients: Bundle of the abrade, 2 cucumbers, 2 boiled boiled eggs, sour cream, several twigs of parsley, salt.

Cooking method: Chief chopped, chopped eggs, cucumbers - half rings. All connect, salt, fill sour cream and sprinkle with parsley.

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