Business from the depths: a non-station blogger about how to survive a pandemic and enlarge business


"I have been doing business for more than three years, and during this time I put a lot of cones. Useless advertising campaigns, penalties from controlling organs ... "- shares their experiences of Arina. And only she managed to establish the work of a new business on the Franchise Bar Games, as the Pandemic began and hit the crisis. Arina could surrender, but instead jumped her head above.

"Cities everywhere refused cooperation, due to new restrictions. It seemed that everything went to the collapse. And only thanks to true love for the project, together with the team began to look for new ways to implement games. So the Academy of Games' Pro.Quests "was born," I remembers the blogger. "I had so much imbued with an unstable economic situation, which simply could not ignore the problem of employment."


Now the shame helps beginner businessmen to find strength to launch their own business. Arina is divided by real tools for working with the audience and partners. "I tell about the creation of intellectual games for adults and children, to attract funding, grants and reporting, about the design of the self-employment and importance of tax reporting, the creation of scenarios and their implementation, on cooperation with the playground and work with the team of attracted specialists."

Go to Blog Arina if you are interested in the topic!

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