Cosmos as a premonition: how to celebrate the Day of Cosmonautics


Want to see what the starry sky looks like in a telescope? Then you - in the park "Red Presnya", where from 20.00 to 22.00 it will be possible to see the polar star, as well as take a picture of the planets (including possibly Venus and Jupiter) and constellations on a special astronomical chamber and immediately send pictures to the electronic mail.

In the park "Fili" promise to launch a rocket into the sky. Of course, it will be a comic start. After all, the clowns are responsible for business: they will touch the layout of the spacecraft in the frame, they will give a ball filled with helium and appear in space.


In the grandmother's park it will be possible to participate in the "Star spaces" drawings contest. All guests will get paints, pencils and paper to show how they represent space.


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In the city of Professions, Masterslavl passes the whole space week. Every day of young guests creative master classes dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics. In the architectural workshop, children under the supervision of adult mentors will collect a copy of the famous Space Satellite Satellite Satellite "East-1", on which April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin made the very first flight into space.

A toy layout of a rocket height of two meters will be built from the "smart" Russian designer "Fanklastic". Its feature in the presence of three types of compounds: plane plane, end end and flat plane. Details can be attached from all sides, which means that you can build and extend them in all planes, easily developing fine motility, spatial imagination and construct skills. During classes, children will collect the main building "East-1", four engines and the second step. In addition, they will learn about the main pilot-cosmonaut in the USSR and listen to stories about rocket building.

On the last day of the "space" week - April 14 - the presentation of children's collective creativity will be held on the Arts Square in Masterslavl, after which the guys will symbolically launch the "East -1" missile in "Cosmos". Designers who have made the greatest contribution to the profession of Rocket Masterslavl, will be awarded super prizes - designer sets

By the way, so that children are not hungry, they can be handing the Kosmostars breakfast in a new design. Rockets called for the conquest of distant galaxies, and the planets were gathered on the renewed package, the names of which will have to remember young researchers.

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