Chief Food Trend: Organic Products, and what they are "eaten"


In the past few years, we increasingly hear about organic products, many of them confuse them with natural. Of course, the "Organic" is natural, but there is still a difference and quite significant. Today we decided to figure out what organic products are, what is their feature and whether to "hunt" behind them in the near supermarket.

What is organic farming

The essence of the production of organic products lies in compliance with the measures that could provide an environmentally friendly product at the output. Manufacturers make everything that plants and animals will not be contacted with chemicals in this case, in meat and plant products there are no elements of fertilizer and growth stimulants. Thus, the consumption product does not have a negative impact on the human body as often occurs when the menu is compiled, which provides inorganic products.

You are always right to demand a certificate

You are always right to demand a certificate


Why "Organizer" is so expensive

Yes, products with the mark "Eco" or "Bio" are always standing just more expensive. The thing is that the production of such an environmentally friendly product costs quite expensive, while in each country there are regulatory rules and requirements for environmental farms. In Europe, a product that is less than 95% consists of organic raw materials, is no longer allowed on the counter with the mark "Eco". The rules are rather strict, and compliance with all standards just affects the price tag.

What is the difference between "Organics" from natural products

In fact, the differences are not too much, the main difference in production technology, increased requirements for the production of organic products. As for natural products, they can also undergo all the stages necessary for the "Organics", but most often natural production is much easier and does not prohibit the use of fertilizers and their derivatives. Also in natural products there is no legal definition.

What to pay attention to when choosing organic products

Storage time

Even the most organic cucumber "will not live" longer than his natural fellow. Do not think that organic production gives advantages in storage. Carefully select all organic products, especially vegetables and fruits, which are spoiled almost at the speed of light.

We are looking for marking

It must be on the packaging. As we have already spoken, the requirements for organic products are high, and therefore do not listen if the seller tries to convince you that "labeling forgot" or "it doesn't matter." Important. Focus only on the manufacturer's instructions.

We ask the certificate

You can easily ask for a quality certificate if you still do not leave doubts. Producers of organic products always have all the necessary documentation that may be provided on the first requirement. Oriented on words on the packaging "Eco" and "Bio" too - always - always check the manufacturer.

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