Yuri Stoyanov: "The idea of ​​happiness can change over time"


Yuri Stoyanov - actor theater and cinema, TV presenter, musician. Their with Ilya Oleinikov is an incredibly popular humorous program "Town" four times won the Thafi Prize. Now standing is very in demand in the series and cinema. For 2021 he has seven projects, and in all - the main role. In our heading, the artist shared his reflections on freedom, creativity, friendly relations and family.

1. About family and happiness

The idea of ​​happiness can change over time, some other values ​​appear, very simple, for example, human life, health.

When you come back home, do you meet your favorite child, wife and dog - isn't it a constant size of happiness?

In addition to the natural anxiety for the health and well-being of loved ones, my family depends on my family. But I found a very simple way from this alarm to get rid of: I made a vaccination from coronavirus.

I do not explain anything to children and I do not bring them up. And, apparently, I did not have so badly lived all these years if good daughters grew up.

2. On freedom

I had a bicycle childhood, and I dreamed of a car all my life. And when this possibility appeared in the nineties, I changed cars often. It was considered me by manifestation of personal freedom.

I did not work in any day any day. But if the artist cannot live without the theater and this is his conscious choice, I bow to him. I'm just another.

A lot of what I would like to say, I can not, I'm afraid. And not for yourself, but for those who are near. Internal censorship is very developed in me. And this is an incredible manifestation of non-free.

There are things on which I can not laugh, because I was so brought up. When I want to speak, suppress it in myself, not because it is immoral, but because it is not informative, it is impossible to talk about it. This is present in me with all other normal qualities, such as responsibility, discipline and professional decency. In this I am absolutely Soviet man.

3. About friendship

I didn't lose my friends in life. I have, for example, a friend of childhood - in Odessa lives, - We are already fifty-eight years old. The most interesting, our relationship in form and content is not very different from those that were then.

There is such a selfish moment: while the parents are alive, you are a child, while the families are alive, you are still the same.

I have enough friends. Basically, these are people of other professions. From my shopping shop just two-three. Artists are not enough for me to tell me: I have a similar experience with them, similar character, ambitions.

Now friendship with me is not easy. I am not a sullen man, but ... Friendship imposes certain obligations and takes time. And I have it not.

4. About money

A huge number of people now do not reach the salary, many have collapsed business. I was lucky that I was left in demand in this difficult time.

If I had done, do not bring the Lord, I would change my activities for my family to need.

When I grew up, my parents tried to pay attention to me, but the work was always in the first place: the father is constantly on operations, mother - on the pedsovets. I often fell asleep one one.

Most of the life, until forty years, I lived very modestly. I did not remove me in the movie. And when the money began to appear, I solved the problems on the go - and did not work to save. But I never spent money to the detriment of the family.

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