Festivals, exhibitions, performances: Where to go with children in February


What: The performance "Justic Duckling"

The premiere performance based on all the beloved Tales of Hans Christian Andersen put the director Boris Konstantinov - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, winner of the Russian National Theater Prize "Golden Mask".


The plot, probably known to everyone. The chief hero of the fairy tale fell fate to hatch in a dinner nest. All ducklings appeared on yellow and cute, and he is gray and not like them. Everyone on the bird courtyard considered his duty to say what kind of ridiculous and ugly, the poor fellow did not know where to go. And once he just escaped from the yard to the unknown. He will have to survive a lot of tests, but in the end he learns who in fact, and will find his place in the world.

Where: Theater dolls Sergey Exemplary

When: February 22

What: The play "Cherry Garden" in the formulation of Valentina Klimmetyev

Chekhov in our schools sometimes presented so that the dislike for him remains for many years. This performance is one of those who should go with a schoolboy child to show how interesting the Russian classic is. Gently, you can even say scrupulously, recreated all the details that are in the play.

The very first stage of Chekhov "Cherry Garden" appeared on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater back in 1904: Ranevskaya then played Olga Bookper, and her brother Gaeva is Stanislavsky himself. In 1988, the "Cherry Garden" appeared on the scene of Mkat named after Gorky, in the statement of Sergey Danchenko with Tatiana Doronina. But now we see the reconstruction of the legendary delivery of 1988 in the scenography of Vladimir Sererovsky.

The director of the reconstruction of the play MCAT, who was put by Sergei Danchenko in 1988 (with Tatiana Doronina in the lead role), Valentin Clementev, played in this play for many years. He believes: in what was laid in this formulation, and there is relevance.


Natalia Governorovova

Ranevskaya this time plays Anna Bigov, and it can be said that the "cherry garden" is a real benefit of the actress. Although many after the premiere interested not to read it, but the fact that she, the actress Theater "Lenk", went to the scene of MCAT. Gorky. Same Bolshaya does not see anything surprising. According to Anna, an agreement on this with the artist of Mkhat, Edward Balkakov occurred in the summer: "We have long known and worked together about 17 years ago. He suggested a role from which it is impossible to refuse. "

In the native "Lenkom" to creative experiments, the actress was calm - these are the specifics of work. "There is a basic place of work, and life is such that in parallel we are doing a lot. This is normal. And it is clear that in the theater to which you serve, many actors and not so much roles. Even our greatest actors could sit at 10 years without premiere roles. Provide all the main, meaningful roles impossible, - explained Bolshaya. "Therefore, if suddenly an interesting offer happens and it does not come against the main place of work, of course, you agree."

Where: MCAT named after Gorky

When: February 20th

What: Performance "Night Before Christmas"

You still doubt that Nadezhda Babkin is a real queen? Then you have a "night before Christmas", where the Hope of Georgievna is the role of the queen. Put the play famous and completely unpredictable Nina Chusov, so get ready for the fact that accents in a known story can be displaced. But what can be not doubtful - the spectacle is expected unexpected, rich in the brilliant acting, exciting plot, wondrous melodies of the Russian and Ukrainian folklore, a multicolor light palette, virtuoso vocal and choreographic scores of the Russian Song ensembles and "Russian seasons", as well as ballet " Live planet. "


You have to fall under the charm of the heart of Sergey Astakhov, feel the irresistible magic of Fyodor Dobronravov and Gleb Matvechuk. But the main thing is to see how the most media star of the Russian folk scene Nadezhda Babkin in the role of Soloki riding the broom flies at night to collect stars in the sleeve, and then it is, but in the role of the Empress, generously giving a vacuum to the cryvers!

Where: Moscow State Academic Theater "Russian Song" under the leadership of the hope of Babkina

When : 25 February

What: Exhibition "Moscow Life Jambattists Tapolo and his son Dzhandomeniko"

The artist of Jambattist Tapolo is considered one of the most outstanding painters of the XVIII century. At his account - painting Palazzo Labia in Venice, Villas Valmaran in Vicenza, Archbishop Residence in Würzburg, Royal Residence in Madrid. Experts believe that its Moscow experiments are considered an important point of reference to its powerful creative takeoff. We are primarily about the pictures "Meeting Anthony and Cleopatra" and "Pie Cleopatra", which are already more than two hundred years in Russia and now within the exhibition will complement the exposition of the Pushkin Museum. These two works were acquired by Prince Nikolai Borisovich Yusupov on May 11, 1800 in St. Petersburg at Venetian Pietro Koncolo and brought to Arkhangelsk. In 1834, Prince's heirs decided to place them in their family palace in St. Petersburg, but after almost a hundred years, the canvas returned to Arkhangelsk.


The works of Thipolo were the pride of the Yusupov collection, and during the life of Nikolai Borisovich in the palace, the hall was equipped in the palace, in which other pictures of Jambattists Thipolo and his son Jambattists were also located in the palace. These included now in the Tsarsko Selo Catherine Palace of the Plafon, in respect of which the authorship of Tapolo was rejected, as well as four vertical compositions who died during the fire of 1820.

The exhibition "Moscow life Jambattists Thipolo and his son Dzhandomeniko" unites all the work of the work of Thipolo, Father and Son in the meeting. The presence in the exposition of the Polatis from the collection of the Museum-Manor "Arkhangelsk" not only transforms the usual exposition of the museum, but also illustrates the most important stage in the development of artistic ideas of Jambattists Thipolo.

Where : State Museum of Fine Arts named Pushkin

When: From February to 1 November 2022

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