Rejuvenating Makeup: Step-by-Step Master Class


In photographs in social networks, we often admire the faces of models with a lifting-make-up or, as they are also called, "rejuvenating", age-related, which is made by professional makeup artists. And the difference in the photo "Before / after" is huge. Women look five, ten years younger, and maybe more.

Professional makeup will drastically transform the model for the photo shoot much easier than the usual woman who owns only two types of makeup - everyday and evening. Makeup from the makeup artist will be made using professional decorative cosmetics, with competent technique and profinestruments. A photographer will also help, who, with the help of properly exhibited light, will emphasize the dignity and will hide disadvantages. As a result - the work of the team of professionals will make their own business, showing the model in the photo the split transformation of the model.

But not everything is so difficult, as it seems at first glance. Let's, cute girls, talk about rejuvenating make-up, which can be done at home yourself. In life, he will look very harmonious and naturally.

The most important factor that will help make a high-quality rejuvenating makeup is skin preparation.

If you constantly take care of the skin of the face and comply with the formula of daily care, you do not have to somehow additionally prepare the skin in front of makeup. It will be quite morning care for day makeup.

If not, then before applying decorative cosmetics, the skin must be well cleaned, remove dead cells. The means for this should be chosen with the active ingredients, but to apply very gently, without creating additional friction on the skin, since the skin of the skin is already reduced and the additional mechanical aging is not necessary. The next step is to be used and moisturized the skin with serum. After all, the main sign of old age is dry, dehydration.

After applying cosmetic products, it is enough to wait ten minutes so that they all have absorbed into the skin. Cream remnants with a cotton disk with tonic, not alcohol.

Oksana Biletskaya

Oksana Biletskaya

Now you can proceed to makeup

Tonal Choose with a light shine, this will allow you to make wrinkles on the skin less noticeable through the screaming effect. The color of the tone must be on the half-tone lighter. Not whiter, namely the brighter of your skin. This will also give minus five years.

In order not to have a sad experience when buying a tone, check the color by applying it to the lower part of the cheekbone. The color of the tone should coincide with the skin color on the neck, well, or on the halfton-tone lighter.

Girls for 30 tonal remedy is better to apply with the help of a brush - so it will be more evenly distributed in the face, all the pores and wrinkles will also be toned. Brush can be synthetic or natural, for example, from a sable or protein. We apply to the center of the person and distribute through massage lines.

Powder or not powder? I'm behind Pooh, the main thing is to choose the right one. With an age make-up, it should be light, weightless, translucent. And apply it not by a powder, but a brush. Thus, we will fix the tonal agent, and it will not be collected in wrinkles.

Blush Will help add freshness and tenderness to face. They need to be applied to apples. Smile and find these nobility. Color choose peach, it is most often suitable for everyone. And I also recommend using cream blush, and not dry with rejuvenating makeup. They will not emphasize the mimic wrinkles and will look very natural. You can also take lipstick if there are no cream ruhewy. The main thing is that it is the right color, creamy, without unnecessary shining particles. A small brush, in the amount of approximately with a coin of 10 rubles, we recruit the texture with lipstick and we applied on the apples. We simply simulate the edges and all - minus five years are guaranteed.

Eyes. Make a look more expressive, and the cilia - a pencil will help to us. I advise you to choose a resistant pencil, then during the day it will not be imprinted and spread. It is necessary to apply closer to the eyelashes so that there are no gaps at the ciliary edge. With a small flat brush, we simply simply so that the strip from the pencil is not graphic. The older the girl, the better the line on the face on the face of creating soft, smooth, cut-off. The color of the pencil does not necessarily have black. With age, the contrast of a woman is reduced, so you can choose the color of the pencil brown, wet asphalt.

And do not wind the outer edge, try to decide on the temple. The view will be twisted and open, thereby more boo.

The main thing is not to emphasize the beginning of the eyebrows so that the look was not harsh

The main thing is not to emphasize the beginning of the eyebrows so that the look was not harsh


We apply mascara. It is better to choose stable so that it is not imprinted in a fixed century during the day. If you are not a burning brunette, then the color of the carcass can not be black, but brown. Then cilia will be more likely to look in the image.

Eyebrows With age, it becomes not so thick as in youth. Yes, and their color is not very saturated. Therefore, add colors and men with a pencil or shadows. The main thing is not to emphasize the beginning of the eyebrows so that the look was not harsh. The emphasis on the highest part of the eyebrows is the middle. So the look will be more open. And color choose the color of the roots of the hair. If you are a gray lady, pick a pencil with a warm or neutral subclonon. Black, dark color will add age and gravity to face.

And of course, pomade . Many have a conviction that with age it is necessary to paint lips with lighter, nude shades. Or do not paint at all ... I categorically disagree with it. Woman with lipstick on lips looks like something special. And he also feels more confident, mysterious. If you are ready to walk with a bright, red lipstick and at the same time feel harmoniously, then why not. You like it!

There are basic rules when choosing lipstick. I recommend choosing, again, sustainable lipstick. Now there are persistent lipsticks, which do not drown lips, with caring components. They do not spread and do not fall into wrinkles around the lips. Thereby not emphasizing them. A clear contour can be achieved with a pencil. Beige pencil draw contour, outlining the borders. And then you can safely paint with a steady lipstick, without fearing to be mistaken and do not draw an extra.

Woman with lipstick on lips looks like something special

Woman with lipstick on lips looks like something special


Although there is another side: many women, when painting lips, do not get stuck to the edge. But even a pair of millimeters will play a big role. Do not steal the volume of lips, because over the years it becomes so smaller.

You can also make a pencil to completely add all the lips, and not just the contour. This will also give durability. But compared to the lipstick, he will dry more.

Just as before makeup, before applying lipstick or pencil, it is better to take care of the lips - to get it, moisturize. The funds will be better to stay, and the lips will look more well-keeled.

I shared with you the main rules for applying a rejuvenating makeup. What is worth especially to pay attention to the daytime. So that the image was harmonious, natural in life. To surrounding saw your beauty, only more emphasized, even if you are already a mature lady. That makeup did not give you trouble and experiences during the day.

I wish you to remain well-groomed and bright at any age.

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