Alexander Nellobin: "Mom I, of course, paid for shooting"


- Alexander, such registered serials are usually devoted to famous historical individuals. What is it like to get up in one row with the great?

- No. I am very afraid of this and do not want it to look like this: "Look, the series about me!" This is absolutely not the same vector that we asked. We made a movie just about people, because in the life of my hero and my friends there are real events from our life, which we noticed, and we want to pay attention to. Therefore, I did not want my face on the billboard.

- That is, all the conversations about the fact that the TV series is autobiographical - is it just a joke?

- Well, what did I do this to shoot my autobiography? This is a comedy series, but it does not say that he is autobiographical. There are moments from my life. But I would like people first of all perceive him like entertainment. And under the entertainment sauce, we tried to invest in the series and some thoughts. If they read - we will be happy. For us, there would be a big victory if we could somehow show the world in a different way, and a person would make it easier to live.

- What scenes in it more - invented by the scenarios or those that you themselves talked about themselves?

- When we could not come up with something, we asked our actors: Well, come on, what was in life? From some details and details needed to refuse. And some, on the contrary, embellish. For example, in one series I broke my hand: it was not. But the degree of truth there is high, percentage of 90. What we say, we see and feel, we wanted to say. This series was not as follows: "What did you do in 1996? He studied at the Institute? " We are just against the background of some events tried to show our attitude to life. Here in the series with Russia we took a popular trend: like, everything is bad in Russia, you need to leave here. We showed it through the love of two main characters, when a woman wants a man to marry, and he is completely rejected. In the series with Svetlakov, who is constantly forced to play the Doulin, we decided to show how my father sacrifice for the sake of the family for the sake of children. Each father passes through the same. We do not say: "Look, Svetlakov has such a problem." I know fathers who always think about their children, and when they need to make a choice in life, they most often make it in favor of children. About my mom I am generally silent. My hero is, in fact, he does not participate in anything. He goes everywhere, he beaten, and he, depending on this, heads in one direction or another. That is, everything else act through it. Therefore, this series is not about me, but about people.

Alexander Nellobin believes his show about people and for people. .

Alexander Nellobin believes his show about people and for people. .

- Before you stood a difficult artistic task: on the one hand you had to play, on the other, to be yourself. How much did your screen image look like you?

- In general, it looks like. In life, I am also silent enough and often act as others want, because I try not to offend anyone. This is very stupid quality. Of course, I am not very pleased with the places. Initially, we wrote a hero in general without a character and were more engaged in his environment. It's hard to be on the screen, but when we tried to achieve it, it turned out funnier. It seems to me that in many places it happened.

- I want to regret your hero all the time.

- It's good? (Laughs.) I do not know. Yes, I felt very badly all these three years while I was shot. I regret me.

Alexander Nellobin:

"This is a comedy series, but it does not say that he is autobiographical." .

- So you actually really kindly, what matches your last name?

- It seems to me, nickly. Although it is necessary to be ridiculously, probably.

- How did your relatives and friends perceived the offer to play in the series?

- Very good. But they still do not understand - maybe it was a draw? They all kept me constantly asked: "Where is the series?". After all, they starred three years ago, and he does not come out. There really walks a lot of my relatives in the background. Neighbors, friends, residents of the city. It was cool and in Yekaterinburg, and in Polevsky. It was possible to solve many questions in seconds. For example, with dinners. Local said: "Come to us, we feed you." If, for example, we needed to remove Mercedes, immediately customized four different "Mercedes" from the 80s to the 90th of the release. Even many actors episodic roles were found along the shooting. This happened to the saleswoman of hot dogs, for example. For many people we caught on the street, it became the first acting experience.

- To all familiar I had to pay?

- No, familiar did not receive anything at all. We paid actors constantly, but there are no episodes. Especially all these "bumps", the stars. Nothing paid anything at all.

- And mom?

- Mom paid, of course. But, let's say, Svetlakov starred without a fee. Offer our scant budgets with their acting rates? It would be even ashamed.

In addition to friends and acquaintances, celebrities were also involved in the shooting of the show ...

In addition to friends and acquaintances, celebrities were also involved in the shooting of the show ...

- are you worried about mom? She now will become a star ...

- I worry about the Internet trolling that will be about mom. Well, on the Internet there can be no good reviews. I remember when, after my first speech, 80 percent of negative reviews wrote there. I hope that in the case of my mom, all this will be wrong. I am aware that we will fall on a kind of malice: I took a series of myself, and my mom is also. It is inevitable, and I can not imagine how she will live with it and fight. Of course, her life in her 59 years has changed dramatically. But we did not think about it for some reason at the beginning. True, Sasha Dulerain told me: "You understand what your responsibility will be responsible for the further fate of the mother, if you shoot it?". And I just thought about it now. Well, what to do?

- After all, did you have samples on the general reasons?

- I called her on the casting, then brought samples on the channel. They said: "This woman plays well." Then someone asked: "Is this your mom?" I say yes". They say: "Does your family are generally morally ready for this?". We still took it in our apartment. That is, it turned out really some kind of home series. But as a basis, we took images of all our moms. Because all moms are like their warm relationship to sons.

... True, they were filmed for free. .

... True, they were filmed for free. .

- Have you done her some surnames on the site? Or maybe, on the contrary, they demanded more than from ordinary actors?

- The closer the person on related relations, the harder it is with me. Because Mom is the only person on the site on which I raised my voice at all. I say: "Why can't you say that? Do it in this way!" It was very difficult for her. She worked at me at the factory, and in one day he fell under the reduction. At its first shooting day, she was sitting at work from 6 am to 6 pm, made some report, and then came, and at 8 pm entered the frame. And now imagine: 6 people run around you, keep some reflectors, and make you look closely to the camera? She, of course, was very hard after the factory switch. But she still coped, I swore for it for this.

- I was on the preview of the first series. There was a lot of obscene vocabulary. Did you remove it from the ether?

- On the air it was not. We wanted to make a smaller swearing, but we did not work. Well, what to do if people say so? Now, no one says: "Fool" or there is something else there. "We really tried to bypass, even gathered separately and already in other series I specifically came up with" censored "curses, which would sound as rude. But they could not create the same dramaturgical Effect. But some things we really revised and cut these episodes.

Alexander Nellobin:

"In life, I am also silent enough and often act as other people want." .

Irina Nezlobin, Mom: "After filming, we have beautiful repairs in the apartment"

- Irina Ivanovna, have you been persuaded in the series for a long time?

- Yes, and I resisted for a long time. For me, this offer was a complete surprise. I'm not an actress. At first they persuaded me to go to the samples, but I did not all be solved. Then still decided to go - especially since I was wondering how everything happens on the casting. As a result, I was approved, and it was amazing, and excitement. One thing is to be a mother of Sasha kindly in life, and another is to play her.

- That is, not done to be yourself?

- Not. After all, it was necessary to talk in other words, in the presence of a large number of people, in front of the camera, with a bunch of equipment. And these: "Silence on the site!", "Camera!", "Motor!". And many glances that control how you say and move. For me it was difficult. When was the first shooting day, I was very worried. The eldest son brought me a bouquet of flowers, congratulated with the soil. My first scene was filmed in Polevsky. I had to go to the balcony and shout something to Sasha. And around - neighbors and absolutely foreign people. I'm not used to it. The main difficulty was that I was shy.

Alexander Nellobin:

"Mom is the only person on the site on which I raised my voice." Photo: Personal archive Alexander Nellobin.

- How did you react to the fact that the part of the series decided to shoot in your home? Easily let guests allowed?

- I'm already now, thoughts, I think, and how did I agree to this? But what could I do? It is Sasha's apartment in Polevsky, and if so, here and you need to shoot. When it all started, the revolution happened: we were repainted by the walls, they hung some pictures, another repair. It was madness. I did not expect and did not assume. But it is necessary - it means it is necessary. In addition, I am grateful to the film crew. They altered everything in the apartment, and after the filming, there was a beautiful, more modern renovation. If it were not for the cinearians, we would live in the old atmosphere I still do not know how many years.

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