Eco-style: what is it and how to use it?


Eco-friendly cars. Maintenance of hybrids is becoming more and more: they work not only on gasoline, but also with the use of liquefied gas, electricity, and even (in experimental prototype models) - on biofuel. At the level of ideas, it often looks attractive, and the purchase of such a car increases your "rating" in the eyes of an active civil society. However, it is important to consult with technical experts on the specificity of the service specifics of a similar car, if the functionality is still no less important than the "label".

Eco-tissue. Many brands launch entire lines of eco-clothes: stitched with the use of processed materials or using special eco-tissues (for example, cotton has grown in eco-conditions, without the use of chemical fertilizers, manually collected, processed by special technology and so on). Such wardrobe items will most likely cost you more than their more trivial analogues. In addition, not always the quality will be perfect: manual labor is usually fraught with some "roughness" performed. Nevertheless, such clothes are a loud statement to the world about its position in environmental issues. And for your image (if it implies such values!) Such a choice can be extremely important.

Eco and biocosmetics. Often, similar words on the label are to a greater degree of marketing stroke, justifying a high price. In modern conditions, it is extremely difficult to establish a factory (that is, mass) production, for example, cream or shampoo, which would not be spoiled, say, in a week, and at the same time contained those bioo and eco-additives. The real natural cosmetics in the understanding that is unconsciously formed in our head with the sounds of Bio and Eco, it is necessary to make it possible to be made almost 100% by manually by tiny parties, and it will have to constantly update, throwing out the remnants as the proceeded milk. In the nuances, again, it is worth consulting with professionals in the cosmetic industry, however, before boasting a super-court environmentally friendly mask, think: do you understand that such a wonderful distinguishes it from other similar products? ..

Eco-Lifted. Perhaps this is the most difficult concept for analysis. On the one hand, there may be only declared "environmental friendliness", supported by the super-hybrid, eco-clotted and bio-cosmetics discussed above. Beautiful picture, not the image, but the image is outside, for the public. And there may be real steps to improve your life and the surrounding reality. You can rent in special items old technique, batteries, medicines, mercury thermometers, dispake the muculatory and glass for processing, to give clothes to those in need, and not throw it all into common containers. Methods - weight. Of course, such steps at first cause inconvenience: you need to look for information about disposal, spend time and strength to take things, in the end, keep in your head that it is impossible to throw out everything in a row in one bucket. Probably, you are unlikely to get tangible material advantages from such behavior. But, if we are talking about the formation of a congruent image, then for a person for whom it is important to take care of the environment, such behavior becomes the only possible, because you invest in the future, not only your own, but also descendants. The main thing is to remember that true charity does not imply boasting.

Take care of vulnerable, about those who are weaker - prerogatives of strong and wise. Therefore, if you think about the psychological filling of your prosperous image, ecology is an excellent sphere for the application of forces!

Good luck to you in improving yourself and the surrounding world!

If you have questions about style and image, waiting for them to mail: [email protected].

Katerina Khokhlova,

Image Consultant and Life Coach

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