Olga Aroseva: "I am not afraid of death, because my soul is eternal"


A stunning woman, an amazing actress, a strong person ... Arrowsee immediately bribed her benevolence, humor and a funny warning: "I have a fear of me, I can say something sharp, be prepared." Meanwhile, she was very nice and charming, and her story fascinated.

This interviews we have prepared a long time ago and planned to publish it in December, especially for the birthday of Olga Aleksandrovna. For some time passed, we encountered her in the house of the movie, I guilty said that the material had not yet come out, and heard in response: "Nothing terrible. Will be released. And if you forget the instance later to give, either nothing terrible. I prefer books to read, and not anything about actress Olga Arospea. "

It is sad that we so often do not have time to say a good person, what is it all wonderful. We all remember you, Olga Aleksandrovna, and let this material become a tribute to your memory ...

Olga Aroseva: "My mother, Olga Vyacheslavovna, graduated from the Smolny Institute of Noble Maiden, but the times have changed - and she became a housewife. And my dad, Alexander Yakovlevich, was one of the prominent Bolsheviks, for which he visited the royal time in prison, and in the link. Participated in the 1917 revolution. And in the first years of Soviet power began to engage in culture and diplomatic activities. Therefore, part of my childhood passed abroad. We lived in Sweden, then in Prague. My parents divorced. And three children - me and sisters - stayed with the Father. "

The divorce, as a rule, is preceded by quarrels and scandals.

Olga: "There was no such family. Dad was a rather restrained person, I loved my mother very much and rarely refused to her. For example, when I was born, my dad narently barbara and got a metric. After three days, mommy learned about it and indignant - she did not like such a name. Then they decided that I would call Olga, and the documents were converted. So it turns out that I spent the first days of your life as cooking, and Olya became later. (Laughs.) I do not remember conflicts between parents. Just they broke up. Mom has a new family. I do not take her to condemn her, especially since the time has shown, it turned out better for us, children. "

Olga Arosov at the opening of the film festival

Olga Aroshev at the opening of the film festival "Smile, Russia!". Photo: fotodom.ru.

And when did you first find yourself in the theater?

Olga: "I was five years old when my father and my older sisters, Natasha and Lena brought to the Vienna Opera. From the Czech Republic, where we then lived, you could take a car to the capital of Austria. This visit I remember until now: And the spectacle itself, actors, and scenery, and the beautiful decoration of the visual hall, and the lodge in which we had places. True, sisters, laughing, said that I could not save that day in my memory and all this I was familiar with their stories. Like, I was too small. But I am sure that I rely on my personal memories, it even seems to me that I feel the smell of perfumes that the ladies who came to the performance ... "

After that, did you decide to become an actress?

Olga: "No. The delight, which I experienced, first when being in the theater, naturally for any normal person who has a soul. And in the actress I was pulling me when in Prague I looked at the "three-chimney opera" Bertold Brecht. Without postponing the experiment for later, my girlfriend and I cut our dresses the next day, stained them (as the costumes would have been told - Zafakturili) like the heroes in the play, and in such a form went to the street. Song songs, told a tearful story about the unfortunate hard life and asked alms. Because of this, the scandal almost broke out: how so, the daughter of the Soviet diplomat is breeding in Czech streets! Of course, dad did not understand this my antics. But I did not stop acting, on the contrary, I encouraged, however, provided that it would look different. So I began to perform at the Embassy evenings. And even sang in the German language Aria Polly Khich. "

And when did you return to Moscow?

Olga: "In 1933. Dad became chairman of the All-Union Society of Cultural Relations. We settled in the famous for the whole country "House on the Embankment". What only famous people did not happen in our apartment! And Henri Barbus, and Boris Livanov, and Georgy Dimitrov, and Romen Rollan even lived with us for some time. "

That is, Motherland meets you kindly?

Olga: "You can say so. Although the times were still uneasy. Products were released on a limit. I remember because I did not have a strong health, the doctors recommended me to eat more oil. And at dinner, I was always given an extra piece, I smeared him on bread and carried it into my room where no one had seen, threw out the window, on the outer window sill. When the father found it, he grabbed me for the collar: "What are you doing?! In the country, cards, and it makes the windowsill with oil! " But despite this, I was happy. So many wonderful people were surrounded by me, so much significant events happened ... Once me, I also took me a sister to the aviation parade in Tushino. There were a lot of familiar Father. Clim Voroshilov, and Lazar Kaganovich. However, I was more interested in what would happen on the take-off field, but the backs of the people were located before us. And suddenly I hear the voice with an emphasis: "What adults got up so that children are not visible?" Stalin approached us: "Who is? Daughters Arossev? " He took us with his sister for his arms and led the first row, talked to us, turning to "you." Asked: "How old are you?" I answer: "Twenty-first December will be ten." Joseph Visarionovich gave me a bouquet of flowers, laughed and said: "Then let's celebrate a birthday together."

Olga Aroseva:

She had a great sense of humor. Maybe therefore the directions often offered her comedy images (a frame from the movie "Trebita"). Photo: fotodom.ru.

And how did the holiday noted - together?

Olga: "No, of course. But I went on this day to the Kremlin with flowers for him. Winter, cold ... so that hydrangea froze, I wrapped it into a bundle. When the security did not let me go and began to gut the packaging, I asked: "There are flowers, they will die in the cold." One of the officers ordered me to wait, took my gift, went into the guard room, then returned without a bouquet. Says: "Comrade Stalin is very grateful to you for congratulations. But, unfortunately, he is now engaged in state importance and cannot communicate with you personally. " Now I understand that my congratulations did not reach him the same, and the flowers most likely remained in the guard, and then I sincerely believed that I told me a harsh military. And the point is not that I was childish stupid, almost the whole country then stayed in naive euphoria. And even the arrest of the father did not pull me out of it. Although, if you think about, the alarming bells have already sounded. "

What kind? Cleaning in a circle of your dad friends?

Olga: "No. Children do not pay such attention. In addition, we tried to hide what is happening. Another thing is peers ... My sisters and I studied at Kropotkinskaya in a German school, where among the students there were scales of prominent parties, high-ranking officials and foreign communists. And someone from classmates suddenly stopped attending classes, someone came in tears, and he whispered behind his back that his parents were taken at night ... But, I confess, I did not give it much importance. It seemed that such a thing could happen with anyone, just not with you. And in 1937 they arrested dad. I lived with confidence - this is a mistake, otherwise you can not. I will figure it out and let go. Waited. And, as you understand, in vain. Here it is really worth remembering what I said at the very beginning of our conversation: the divorce of the parents turned out to be a blessing. After all, at the time if one of the spouses got into the millstone, then the same fate threatened the second most often. But since Mom has long been married to another person, she was not touched and allowed to take her daughters to her. So we avoided the orphanage. "

Committed with the loss of the Father?

Olga: "I wrote to Stalin's letters, confident that he will figure out in a monstrous mistake, which NKVD Makes. At home calmed me, they said that you need to gain patience. Meanwhile, the sentence would be: "reference without the right of correspondence." At that time I did not guessed that it meant shot. We believed that Dad is alive, he is somewhere in the camps, and when everything becomes clearer, he will return home. After all, he is not guilty of anything. The stronger was my shock when my older sister Natasha, who was already a Komsomolic, renounced father, as they demanded from her. Having learned about it, I pounced on her with fists, I beat her, and she didn't even resisted ... Over time, I realized that she was forced to this, not every person will withstand such hard pressure, and even more so a schoolgirl. And this act gnawed it from the inside, naturally, she was worried and could not forgive it all his life. When two years later, my turn came to join the VLKSM and they were also forced to refuse the dad, I did not do it. Therefore, the Komsomol did not consist. And I do not regret it. Although I immediately say, it's not that I am stronger than the older sister and I could not break. After all, the time has passed since the sentence, and although I put a label of "daughter of the enemy of the people", they still didn't strangle like Natalia. Still, hot pursuit were more cruel, she had to be exorbitantly harder than me. And in the mid-fifties, I learned that at that time all these dramatic events unfolded, the father was no longer alive. He was shot shortly after the arrest. "

Olga Aroseva worked at the Satira Theater since 1950. Photo: Satira Theater.

Olga Aroseva worked at the Satira Theater since 1950. Photo: Satira Theater.

Do you remember how the war began?

Olga: "Of course, I was fifteen years old. Do not forget the alarmed faces, the crowds who gathered on the streets and in surprisingly frightening silence listened to the radio. Then no one knew how much the war would last. Do not believe, but at first there was confidence that it is not for long, we will easily beat all enemies. But, alas, every day the scale of trouble, which fell on us, loomed everything clearer and more clearly. I remember the first funerals that began to do neighbors. And this pain shared the whole house with them. It would also be reported that the person you knew personally is no longer. I read a lot of books, watched movies released recently about the period of our life, and I saw some solid Chernukha. Like, almost all the circle were traitors and panickers, everyone for himself. But this is not true. Of course, different characters met, however, as well as now, but in most part, people treated what is happening as a common overall grief, many have robbed something to do for their people. My sister Natasha left a volunteer to the front. Fortunately, she returned from the war alive. Lena, who older than me for two years, went to work work - to build defensive fortifications, I was asked to her, and I was allowed, despite my age. "

Why didn't you leave Moscow? There was no such possibility?

Olga: "When I and I returned home from work work, my mother had already evacuated. And she left the order to follow her. But we thought and remained. In general, I would like to separately say about Lenochka. We always had an unusually close relationship with her. And the point is not that we have a slight difference in age. This is not just love, but some special unity of the soul, which is felt even at a distance. Neither blood relations nor family unity guarantee such relationships that they associated us with sis. Even the love for the theater we had a common one. If you knew how many times we had to defend the queues for tickets! After all, during the times of our youth, they were not so easy to get. And we accepted the decision to stay in the capital then together. Elena entered the Theater School. I also wanted, but I have not received a certificate of completed ten classes. Without it did not take. But in the circus took. And since the circus is my second, after the theater, passion, I decided to go there. He studied there for two and a half years, in parallel receiving secondary education, and then became a student of the Moscow City Theater School. True, I never graduated from him. "

Olga Aroseva was glad that Alexander Shirvindt appointed a very beautiful satire theater.

Olga Aroseva was glad that Alexander Shirvindt appointed a very beautiful satire theater. "Shirvindt does not destroy, and the bones will fall, but he will not give another," the actress was sure. Photo: Satira Theater.

But how did you find yourself in the Leningrad Comedy Theater, where did you start your career?

Olga: "This is a remarkable story. I then worked in the theater of operetta, helped decorators. At this time, the troupe of the Leningrad Theater of the Comedy Nikolai Pavlovich Akimov was returned from evacuation through Moscow. By the way, they were not someone with the crevice, but the most famous playwright Evgeny Schwartz. And just then played the first performances by his play "Dragon". I remember, I made some trees from Papier Masha, stones ... And somehow, Nikolai Pavlovich, noticing me, asked: "What do you do?" I answer: they say, trees are poupe, but in general I am a future actress, finishing the theater Institute. He suggested: "How to get out, come to us in Leningrad. We need young talents. " And I inspired by such a proposal, took a sister's diploma and went to the city on the Neva. They listened to me, everything is wonderful. But with the documents at first there was a problem. In the diploma, next to the last name Arosov, the initials of E. A. I start to compose that my name is Olga, but everyone calls Lelia, hence the mistake. The administration of the university decided that I was Elena, and so in the papers and recorded. In short, I carried some nonsense, and, it seems to me, it was noticeable that I was lying, and awkwardly. But in the troupe I was still enrolled. In the same place, in Leningrad, I met my first husband. He was not an actor, but was a creative person, a talented musician. I was insanely in love with him, despite the fact that the age difference was essential - ten years ... But in 1950 we broke up, and I returned to Moscow. "

On you so worked the termination of marriage, what did you decide to move?

Olga: "In no way ... here on my life there was a different event. The injury of Nikolai Pavlovich Akimov began, meetings were held, at which his "subversive activity" was condemned, they began to divert. I could not take part in this. And not because I am so wonderful and good. Believe me, about my character say that it is very difficult, and some still add the word "bitch". (Laughs.) But I do not accept betrayal. I myself can not do this, and I am notepinably hard to see how others go to this step. There is even probably not a question of upbringing, although he also plays an important role. It is like a blood type. If you were born with the first, then you will never have the fourth. Therefore, I decided to say goodbye to the Leningrad Comedy Theater and since 1950 serve at the Satire Theater. (True, three years I had a chance to play on the scene of the theater on a small armor, but still I spent most of my life with satire.) Here I met my second husband, actor Yuri Khlopitsky. We soon got married ... In this marriage, we could have a child to be born. You know, somehow read in one edition that Olga has no children, because she chose a career. It is not true! In my life there was another tragedy associated with the name of Stalin. I was pregnant, and my husband and I were waiting for the birth of the baby. And suddenly - a message about the death of the father of peoples. Despite what happened to my dad, I was sure that Joseph Vissarionovich had nothing to do with this. This is his surroundings, and he himself ordered people to death and camp. In my memory, he remained good, attentive, adult uncle, as I saw him at the airfield in Tushino. Therefore, I could not not go for goodbye to him. If you just knew what was happening then! It was a crazy crush, and I got into her. Of course, suffered greatly. Fortunately, he was alive, and they were the dead, whom they distributed and in the literal sense of the word was extinct. The crowd literally went on them! But I lost my child, and the verdict of doctors was terrible: "You will never have children anymore." Therefore, when newspapers come across the eyes with imaginary speculation, you feel acute pain. And most importantly, you do not understand why someone had to write such. Therefore, I ask you, a cute girl ... You can't be offended that I turn to you. I see a young woman in front of him, who has a lot of things ahead, but for me, for me, the years and everyday life you still have a girl ... I really ask you, be careful with the words. They can kill the faster blade and bullets. And this applies not only to the printed word, but also just what you tell people - familiar, unfamiliar. Watch out for your speech, it can be covered, but can destroy. I hope that your readers think about it. "

Olga Aroseva:

At the set of the film "Intervention", the artist met Vladimir Vysotsky. He more than once visited her at the dacha in Vnukovo. Photo: fotodom.ru.

You were married four times. The third husband was the singer Arkady Pogodin, the fourth - Vladimir Soshalsky, in which he was in love with his time. Why wasn't family happiness?

Olga: "You have so formulated the question that I immediately remembered the quotation from the play" Ordinary Miracle "Eugene Lvovich Schwartz:" The poor thing was eighteen times married, not counting the lung hobbies. " (Laughs.) Yes, I officially got married four times, there were also civil marriages, and novels who did not end up ... I won't talk about our men, just like to call names. Everyone has their own life, their own cross, their own story. In our relationship, everything was: and happiness for some period, and loneliness, which rolled upon me with time. I do not want to condemn anyone, including myself. True, if in the Union of men and women do not go to something, there is no one hand, which would be responsible for this. And who is right, and who is not, it is impossible to understand. Just so happened, and it is necessary to take it as a given, not to look for guilt, but go further, not burdened your soul with the offended. "

You said you have a heavy, even bitchful character. Change it did not try?

Olga: "Wait. I said that some believe that I have such a temper. I did not say that I agree with this opinion. I personally suits me, however, like the people who are close to me, and those with whom I communicate at the destruction of the soul, and not as needed. And I want to give advice: Remember, someone else's opinion is not a guide to action, it is worth listening, but he does not always need to follow. "

Many actors are offended when one of their images sticks to them as a label. How do you react to the mention of Pani Monica from the "Thirteen Chairs Zucchin"?

Olga: "I really don't know, accidentally or on purpose, but you again force me to do extraordinately. I am glad when I remember this heroine. I am pleased. So many years have passed, and my Polish Pani remembers and love. Monica - woman to the bone's brain. And in some damn it reminds me of my mother. For example, she could also support a conversation about politics or technical progress, although not a clear idea was not clearly. Here, I think it worked with an education received at the Institute of Noble Maiden. (Laughs.) I know a little about this period of life, but Mine Image helped me play a heroine, familiar, without exaggeration, millions. "

It would have been told now, TV show was created for a long time. You did not get tired of each other? What relationships reigned on the set?

Olga: "Wonderful. Especially since most artists employed in "Zabachka" served in the Satire Theater. We were not just familiar, there were friendly relations between us, we supported each other as they could. On the contrary, work on this set delivered only pleasure. No, we played our roles, but the feeling that the comrades were gathered in a certain Pite, comrades. The atmosphere was the warless, I would even say home. "

They rumored that even Leonid Brezhnev watched this program, and his favorite was a pan of Monica ...

Olga: "I find it difficult for me to answer. And I guess where such fabrications come from. In one of the episodes, I was simply not able to play, and after some time they told me: "Imagine, Leonid Ilyich looked at the transfer, summoned the chairman of the USSR of Sergey Lapina to himself and was prettring, why he did not see Monica's Pani for this time." As befits a serious official, Lapin lowered the question below: "Where is Aroseva? Not allowing it to be lacking in the issues of this program in the future! " But this does not mean that I was somehow particularly dominated by the authorities or in the sidelines. And never strove to this. "

With the artistic director of Mkhat. Chekhov Oleg Tobakov. Photo: fotodom.ru.

With the artistic director of Mkhat. Chekhov Oleg Tobakov. Photo: fotodom.ru.

How do you feel about Alexander Shirvinda and to the fact that he heads the Satira theater?

Olga: "I am glad that a man got up at the head of the troupe, for which our theater means a lot. Here is his native fenats, as for me. It is wonderful, because it is often an articulated man far from a team, for which neither the history of this theater, nor this scene itself, nor people play any role. Alexander Talented, smart, he has a grip and organizational abilities. Nobody will preserve him better and, which is important, will not increase the luggage of our theater. You know, as it happens: I came from a side - even if I was very famous - a man, destroyed the created before him and did not blindly (specially use this word. You can create, but it is possible to sculpt how the trees from Papier-Masha at one time . Shirvindt and he himself will not destroy, and the bones will fall, but the other will not give. And give him the God of Forces to stay and hold onto this outpost. "

I remember, one day you called "Lady with a dog", and meanwhile you have a huge dog. How do you manage to cope with such a big animal?

Olga: "Alas, Leonberger Patrick, which you say, are no longer alive. But I constantly remember him. Undoubtedly, this is a large breed, but he was very clever, obedient, I would even say caring. People often underestimate animals, and meanwhile they are sometimes more sensitive and careful to the owner than other people. I had to hear sometimes: "What do you say with him, as if he is a man? It is necessary to command, because they understand everything only at the level of reflexes. " Nonsense. Who thought it up, and most importantly - as proved?! I will give an example. Once Patrick swallowed carelessly left by me. You do not even imagine how I frightened. After all, a stone or gold is where the castle, an acute ending, - could damage him the stomach. The veterinarian said that it was necessary to observe the behavior of a pet. If he is sluggish, refuses meals, then immediately go to the clinic. I was nervous all day. In the evening we went to walk with him, he dived into the bushes, then he would run away from there and calling with him. I think: what else could happen? It climbed into these thickets, and he is a muzzle on, sorry for the expression, shows his bunch. I first did not understand that the dog means, I say: "Well done boy, walked." And he does not go away and still beats the paw on it. And suddenly I see: the medium of shit is my earrings. He gave to understand: "Do not twitch, all is well! Healthy, eaten and representing the danger left! "(Laughs.) So I do not believe in reflexes, but I believe in understanding and love."

We talked about your sisters. How was their fate?

Olga: "The oldest, Natasha, became a translator, and very famous in his professional circles. She wrote a book about father. Alas, it has long been not for a long time. And the Lenochka, as you already understood, the actress, she played in different theaters of the country. She is a deserved artist of Russia. In her family life, she, thank God, everything was well. I have many nephews who replaced me native children. So I will never stay alone. Never. I have relatives, friends, neighbors in the near Moscow Vnukovo, who became related souls, is Leia Ahacedzhakova and Allochka Budnitskaya. Thank God, alive, my sister Lena, in which I don't have a soul of tea ... But meanwhile, the feeling of loneliness, which is experiencing every person, remaining alone with his own "I". I do not regret anything, I have nothing to be ashamed, so it all scares me. With love, referring to the past, in no case will not drown in them. Just living. And I'm not afraid of anything. One of my kinoheroid pronounces a replica, which I can attribute to myself: "I am not afraid of death, because my soul is eternal." And how much God, Ile, the fate is prepared, so much to go with dignity, with its own character, and most importantly - on conscience. I am not off and the ninety-year anniversary to ignite - first Elena, and then their own. "

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