Middle-aged crisis: how to defeat the fear of aging


The average age is often perceived as a certain feature separating youth with its "rudeness" and faith in the best, from old age, conjugate with disappointment and a lot of problems. It seems that not only time goes, but also the ability to manage your life. It becomes the reason for the outgoing of numerous fears. Is it possible to take control of these fears and regain the joy of life at middle age?

Age - by itself the injury factor for most women. Youngest is beautiful, there is no doubt. But in order to understand that no less beautiful may be maturity, it is necessary at once quite a lot of time and strength. The reflection in the mirror begins to scare, and the beauty industry offers tremendous opportunities to preserve the former beauty. We are binding to the chase behind eluding youth, but you need to understand that this race can be winning only in one way - taking your age. It is impossible to understand your value to see your beauty until we deny reflection in the mirror.

The fear of aging is strongly connected with the fear of loneliness. As if we were not proud of our independence and independence, as if we did not achieve them, at a certain age we begin to be afraid to stay alone. It is no secret that in our society a middle-aged woman, under the cargo of accumulated experience and self-criticism, gradually becomes "invisible" for the opposite sex. This is very unfair, because the average age is the period of emotional and physical heyday not only for men, but also for women. This is just that age when we already know how to love and understand the value of relationships.

Psychologist Ekaterina Zdan

Psychologist Ekaterina Zdan

Another strong fear that overtaking us at middle age is the fear of losing a job or make a career. The older we become, the harder it can change the place of work, even if it does not leave. Although this is directly prohibited by law, many employers are not shy to specify age-related qualities for applicants, and this can not not scare when we think about what will happen if we suddenly have to look for a new source of income.

The absence of a goal or meaning of life is another fear that, often, provokes the so-called middle-aged crisis. If earlier such thoughts simply did not come to our head, or we were too busy with the career and raising children, then in a mature age, when the rhythm of life decreases a little, we are increasingly wondering - but why is it all?

Of course, I listed not all fears, but it seems, and this is enough to fall into the despondency. How to cope with it? The recipe for overcoming the middle-aged crisis is largely individual, and is associated with the features of the personality of each of us. But if we talk about general recommendations, then in the first place I would have given the need to do yourself and, in particular, with your own health. Anxiety nourishes our fears, and the alarms associated with health - one of the strongest. You will be surprised how effective such simple and banal recommendations, like adherence to sleep and recreation, physical activity, walking, etc.

Middle age - a wonderful reason to start to finally listen to yourself and pay yourself more time. Think that you are fascinated and pleases than you are interested and pleasant to do. Fill your life with pleasant things, because ultimately the meaning of life is to live as happy as much as possible and filled.

Understand your value, put your strength and time to what is really important for you. It is never too late to go to advanced training courses or learn something new. Watch the future is not with fear, but with optimism, because you are ahead - most of your life, and in your power to live happily.

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