4 Reasons why February 23 - a holiday for all men


"Not served? Not a man, "- a typical phrase on the eve of the Defender of the Fatherland Day from the mouth of those who, for the most part, except for the army and be proud of nothing ... Want to learn the real reasons why some are rightfully noted on February 23 with the whole country?

The anniversary of the creation of the Red Army

On January 27, 1922, a decree was published, according to which it was necessary to celebrate the day of the institution of the Red Army. The holiday is dedicated to the first fighting of the army against German troops in February 1918. Later, he was renamed on the day of the Soviet Army and then added the prefix "... and navy". So everyone who worked in these divisions can rightly consider the holiday to their own.

Medikov has a military ticket

Each graduate of a medical college and university is obliged to get a military ticket regardless of gender and register with the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration. This rule is valid according to the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" of December 28, 1998. No. 53. That is, even the girls become military-ridicule and, in the case of a state of emergency, should help people. In addition to them, there are other military-rich specialists, for example, geographers, meteorologists, computer operators and others.

Do not neglect health

Everyone knows at least a couple of people who "disappeared" from military service. But there are those who wanted to go to serve, but cannot do this for health state, for example, because of asthma. Insult these people, calling them "subwoofers", it is impossible. A year in the army in their case may be replaced by another benefit of the Motherland - the creation of charitable projects, scientific achievements or strengthening relations with other countries.

Moving to another country is considered

According to the law, people who permanently reside outside of Russia are not obliged to consist of military registration. The reason for this may be moving to permanent residence with family, study, work or scientific activity abroad. In another state, without having citizenship, they cannot go serve. And in some countries, there is no such army. Does this make them less courageous people?

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