Victoria Makarskaya: "My mother first asked:


Today, February 23, many men artists remember their service in the army, and their companions tell how reliably they feel next to such advocates. Victoriai Makarvskaya in the main men's holiday told how it was her husband went to the army, and also told, as Anton managed to conquer the heart of his future mother-in-law.

"After graduating the theater institute. Schukina and having received almost the main roles in the "Theater in Nikitsky Gate", my future beloved spouse unexpectedly for everyone, he himself went to the draft board and asked the Commissioner Rimma Matveyevna: "I want to give the duty to my homeland, take me to serve!" - published Vitoria's post pride. And immediately added so that no one had doubts: "This is my favorite husband! I am glad that our son has such an example, such a dad! "

But when at one time the acquaintance of Mom Victoria and Anton took place. "My mother, foreman, Military paramedic, seeing Anton, first asked:" Served? "The future son-in-law answered fun:" So for sure! ". The mother-in-law" melted ". Since then, in the family and deep mutual respect.

His congratulations to her husband and all defenders Victoria accompanied the photo of Anton Makarskiy service in the army. Young, shining - all subscribers in the voice recognized that the Military form of Anton is very good!

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