Katya Guseva: "Love creates wonders with appearance"


- You are always in great shape. Do you have special secrets?

- This form is always different. Sometimes - good, sometimes - excellent, and happens and not very. But when I understand that it is not very, then immediately run in the sport hall! I am engaged 4 times a week: 2 cardiotrans and 2 functional! I try to drink 2 liters of water, although it is difficult. With water, I have not love for a long time. I understood one thing: the main thing is the movement! Sports are needed, but also to add procedures by the body too!

- Sit on diets? Just honestly!

- With diet it does not work. How much I'm trying, I still do not stand it. I have enough for 2 days. Therefore, just limit yourself in carbohydrates. I try to eat more protein food. And it works!

- You are a busy person. How to relax?

- with rest is now quite difficult. Work is very much. Therefore, I try to fly away from Moscow with a loved one at least a couple of days, and I have enough enough. This year I managed to take with me the whole family in Sochi, and while I have a shot at all, they enjoy the rest, and I can spend the morning and evening with them! My daughter is very worried that we see little, but what to do - work!

Katya Guseva admits that he does not sit on diets

Katya Guseva admits that he does not sit on diets

- How do you care for the face?

- I trust your face only to professionals. I have my own beautician, I go to him for a year and very satisfied with the result. We make Meso once a week and once a month - Plasmolifting. It is enough for me, everything else is at home! The main thing is to remove the makeup after filming and moisturize the face.

- Do you have any "homemade" beauty recipes?

- Houses at all there is no time to care. But when you need to quickly get the freshness of the face, I take the physician from the refrigerator and put it on my face. Instantly removes swelling and makes ease.

- Can you afford to get out of the house without a drop of makeup?

- Not. It's not about me at all. Powder, blush and lip gloss always on me. Only on the sea I allow myself not to paint.

- What are you always carrying from cosmetics?

- Mac and blush, Clarins lip gloss.

- Your favorites in decorative cosmetics?

- Chanel Aqua tonal cream, Mac Studio Fix.

TV presenter I am sure that the main thing for a woman is love that transforms

TV presenter I am sure that the main thing for a woman is love that transforms

- What spirits love?

- I always mix about 3 spirits, I do not wear one perfume. It made an exception only for exclusive spirits from Mikhail Zolatoriev "Alchemik", they are perfect for me.

- Your most brave experiment with your appearance?

- I somehow became a brunette. Did not like. And very hard later returned to the blonde, lost the quality and length of hair

- What is women's beauty for you?

- Women's beauty is when we are in love when our eyes glow. For women, the main thing is love! And she creates miracles with our appearance. Checked! Therefore, I wish everyone to be loved and happy!

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