The late grandmother calls to himself ...


Recently, every dream, which is sent to me, somehow connected with the theme of death. As if our readers were consumed and offered to consider this topic from different sides. And here is another example with a brief explanation of the author:

"We killed a neighbor, a young guy. Presumably brought another neighbor, a former policeman. Friends go to him, criminal personality, and very negatively treat me. I hinder them strongly. I woke up with feeling that I threaten the danger.

And the very dream is: "My late grandmother I was three times called, bite by name. I was on the second floor of the house and replied that now I would come down and open the door. "

We have already disassembled this aspect more than once: someone's deceased dream, which calls. In the near-blocking interpretations such a dream means that the deceased is going to pick up. However, it is not necessary to give in to anxiety, because sleep is not the entrance to the otherworldly worlds, but the gate to your own unconscious. It belongs to a specific person, but the unconscious communicates with us in the language of characters and images. If such a dream is dreaming, it is worth thinking on the topic that symbolizes a dreaming person and why this dream will dream now, during this period of your life. Then the sleep symbol becomes more transparent.

So in this example there is no literal sleep. The late grandmother calls a dream of a name. However, pay attention to how it tied, it would seem that not related things: going to the neighbor of suspicious subjects and this dream. Most likely, the dream feels anxious and inexplicable threat from these people. Against the background, also - the murder of a young guy is completely close, legends and species, entangling this tragedy. When this happens, all our body turns into a string: the eyes see further, the hearing is improved, adrenaline boils in the blood, because the task of our body is to save us in a dangerous situation. But now in the life of the dreams there is no specific source of an outgoing threat. For example, we all know well what are afraid of: dogs, spiders, snakes, darkness, heights. All this is named by name, but in the case of our dreams it is difficult to name the danger by name. It is unlikely that someone's negative attitude can be called a source of threat.

Nevertheless, the dream can not stop being afraid for himself: the feelings and sensations of the body are not deceived. And it is not clear to be afraid of what is also unbearable. Therefore, a creative psyche comes up with a clever move - "Return" a dream, in which the threat is clear: the late grandmother calls!

In other words, sleep suggests that her body and soul live in a state of increased danger. Part of it is based on speculation, in something there is a grain of truth. Our dream is needed to truly take care of yourself and about its security in the real world and identify real sources of danger. Sleep and feelings after awakening and were the main prompt.

I wonder what you dream? Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. By the way, dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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