Is it fashionable to be fashionable?


You can often hear that someone says that he "does not follow the fashion at all." Under this expression it is understood that a person does not pay special attention to the study of existing trends (most often about clothes) and even ridicules those who do it. However, such "negatives" are often aware that now is relevant: in an attempt to oppose themselves fashionable "mass", they with accuracy of the eaten scientist notice the trends and patterns. Thus, it is impossible to stay completely out of course: even if you try to distance them, the "stream" of fashion is still surrounding you, "lying" like water stone block in the river bed.

We all exist in a measurable physical world, which has such important characteristics as time and space. Everyone carries an imprint of his century and decades, its national culture and social subgroup to which belongs. At the same time, actual attributes of life change when moving along the axis of years and geographical coordinates: we should move to another country, to grow up, give birth to a child ...

Fashion is not blinding the subordination machine of all the Unified Standard, it is rather expressed in the material objects a single impulse of a sufficiently large group of people, due to specific historical reasons, aspirations, needs. Fashion is a mirror, reflecting policies, economics, psychology.

You can often hear how the concept of "fashion" is opposed to "style", as if without antagonism and almost military conflict, no sphere of life can do, even associated with beauty and harmony. Why so dramatize? Style is not the opposite fashion pole. In my opinion, the style does not completely exist outside the fashion: even by quoting the past epochs, we will remain in the context of modern reality, we use modern technologies, build on your wardrobe more stylization and indirectly citation of the elements of the past. If you do not leave with your head in the past, do not leave for settlements, say, without electricity and the Internet, it is still impossible, even in its most unique style identity, hide from the present with its trends, trends, trends.

Despite the foregoing, I want to note that the constant chase for the "novelties" in any sphere of life is also not the most healthy way to keep up with the times. So it may look like the path to the neurosis of obsessive states than to the harmony with them and the surrounding world. In fashion there is a cunning: it never stops and is constantly reborn. In the global sense, for absolutely all the most recent trends we never hide. However, you can have time to grab the icon: things, ideas, names. It is on the brightest "supernova" of every decade and will then talk about "fashion", so it's just no reason to update the renewal.

So, fashion is, in some way, the world around us. As we know it today. Try to remember everything in the smallest items before the kaleidoscope changes the pattern, because what we do not remember, as if it did not exist at all ...

I wish you to enjoy every moment and perceive the fashion with a healthy fraction of irony!

If you have questions about style and image, waiting for them to mail: [email protected].

Katerina Khokhlova,

Image Consultant and Life Coach

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