Space Odyssey: Katerina Spitz and Egor Korekov save the world


In the world cinema, the problem of the earth's overpopulation has long been solved: it is necessary to find the planet - "twin" in the endless space. However, during scientific expeditions, astronauts are almost always faced with unforeseen circumstances. The heroes of the new film "Project" Gemini ", the shooting of which go to the full move is not avoided. learned the details.

Main role in the film performed by Egor Koreshkov

Main role in the film performed by Egor Koreshkov

The main role in the film is performed by Egor Koreshkov, known for the series "Thaw" and "Eighties". The actor tried on the image of a scientist, specialist in biomepaders and artificial intelligence, which is engaged in the project of the Modules "Gemini" of the Earth. Koreshkov's charm 'bride playing Alena Kostantinova ("Tree-2"). And Katerina Spitz fulfills the role of a young ambitious journalist in the picture.

Vyacheslav Lesnevsky on the filming of the film debuted as director, and also made a co-author of the scenario

Vyacheslav Lesnevsky on the filming of the film debuted as director, and also made a co-author of the scenario

The film takes place in the Moscow-City complex and other futuristic buildings of the modern capital. On their basis, using computer graphics will create a visual image of the city of the future. The appearance of the spacecraft will be "drawn", in which the mission in the composition of scientists and the military will go to another planet in search of a mysterious signal that exists a destructive effect on the Earth. But the interiors are removed in specially designed scenery. And another planet, where the heroes are waiting for something incomprehensible, the creators of the film found in Kazakhstan: the Charyn Canyon acts as the surface of the mysterious and distant celestial body.

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Part of the film filming takes place in the complex "Moscow City"

The authors of the film do not deny that when developing the plot was repelled from such Hollywood blockbusters, as "InterSellar", "Luna 1221", "Oblivion", etc. But at the same time the scenario was written in the original idea, and the co-author of Vyacheslav Lesnevsky, who previously worked by the operator On the series "Grachei" and films "Champions", "Champions: faster. Above. Stronger "," From March 8, Men! ". In the film "The project" Gemini "Lesnevsky also makes debut as a director.

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