Divorce, danger, loss of money: unfavorable days of March for each sign of the zodiac


Aries - March 17

One of the most defining features of the Aries is that they are always in a hurry, go from one thing to another and barely breathe. And on March 17, it will give them trouble when their ruling planet Mars will go to the sign of Capricorn along with Saturn and Pluto. Possible difficulties in communication with the leadership or associated troubles. To avoid trouble, Aries should be special care for some time.

Taurus - March 13

Tales like to keep everything under control, so they can view May 13 as a particularly alarming day due to the fact that the financial situation of the signs of the sign will be unstable. Your ruling planet, Venus, will become retrograde in the sign of the twins, your second home house. The calf hates to part with money or lose them.

Gemini - March 2

On March 2, the twins may encounter a problem related to their reputation and / or relationships - depending on what is happening in the sky. The sun and Mercury in the Virgin, the 4th year of twins, will resist the full moon. All this intensive impact on the corner houses of the twins (4th and 10th) may indicate the end, break, divorce or temporary decline.

Cancer - March 24

The last two years for cancer were not easy, since Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn opposed their sunny sign. The most unsuccessful day will be March 24th. For example, if relations are very unstable, perhaps on this day they will end. It will be a difficult day for cancer, which appreciates the relationships most in the world, but they will be able to go through it, for a while relying on other people in their lives, such as friends and family.

Galina Yanko

Galina Yanko

Lion - March 9

For Lev, one of the most terrible incidents - treason on the partner. There is nothing worse than you know that the partner has a novel or someone does something for his back. The full lunar eclipse occurs in the sign of Cancer on March 9, so it will simultaneously light up and shake the 12th house of hidden secrets of the lion. Be prepared to truth that will bring disappointment.

Virgo - March 12

Virgo tends to expect bad days and knows how to adapt to circumstances, but on March 12, things can go especially badly. The ruling planet of the Virgin, Mercury, will be in the sign of Scorpio, the 3rd house of communication, transport and contracts of the Virgin. On this day, the moon will be in the Virgo, so it may be a day when problems with the machine, computer, may arise misunderstanding both with close and colleagues.

Scales - March 5

Scales tend to balance and harmony in their lives, but on March 5, they will have a particularly chaotic day, when the connection of Saturn and Pluton will occur in the 4th house and family house. Unforeseen expenses may arise due to the necessary repair of the house or possible problems with the family member, which for one reason or another needs weight assistance.

Scorpio - March 20

Scorpions are very susceptible, so they tend to predicate bad days in a few weeks. Romantic scorpion relationships will greatly deteriorate on March 20. Uranus, planet surprises and parting as a whole, will be retrograde in the 7th house of partnership and scorpion marriage. Past problems that seemed to have been resolved, will again become an agenda.

Difficult days it is better to worry in a circle of loved ones and friends

Difficult days it is better to worry in a circle of loved ones and friends

Photo: pexels.com.

Sagittarius - March 18

On this day, the innermost dreams and aspirations of Sagittarius can collapse. It will be the day when they begin to overestimate what is most important for them. Disappointment can comprehend the shooters because uranium is connected to fiery signs. The representatives of the sign must be prepared to say goodbye to the whole life or go down to the step below towards achieving the goal.

Capricorn - March 1

Capricorn will receive a heavy blow due to the long-awaited connection of Saturn and Pluto. Saturn is the ruling Capricorn Planet, and he is going to meet with the Life of the Pluto and the Sun. Capricorn will feel the severity of the world on their shoulders during the day. It's time to leave the past behind - even leaving past goals and hopes, which at this stage more remind of obligations.

Aquarius - March 4

The power of the Sun in the home sign of the lion is combined with an emotional moon passing through this sign. As a result, on March 4, Aquarius may feel particularly dissuisse upon themselves. In addition, the sun and the moon are a serious aspect for the ruling planet Aquarius - uranium. The aspect brings conflict and increased emotionality of the signs of the sign.

Fish - March 22

The fish may have a hard day when Saturn and Pluto are connected in their 11th friendship house. This may lead to the fact that the fish will feel particularly lonely by their choice or because of the feeling of rejection. But the fish will be able to survive this difficult period if they will take care of themselves and appreciate friends who remain with them in spite of everything.

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