Office Handra: what diseases can lead a sitting job


According to statistics, approximately 65% ​​of the population of any major city work in the office. It would seem that the risk of getting injuries, spending 8 hours in the chair, minimal, and nevertheless, more than half of the appeals to the specialists proceed from office employees. What are the employees complain, and what should be ready for you, if your regular satellites are a computer monitor and an office chair, we will tell.

Excess weight

Of course, we are not talking about forensic numbers, yet a healthy organism is able to maintain the right work of all systems even without active activity. And yet approximately 80% of office employees are experiencing overweight and changes in Figure. There is nothing surprising here, since in addition to small activity, a person at a computer does not even notice how in just a couple of hours it can consume the daily rate of carbohydrates in the form of chocolate bars and other sweet snacks. As a rule, the excuses in this case serve as a complaint about the lack of time for the sport. But in any case, in any case, you can go into the office for half an hour before or walking one stop on foot, breathing fresh air, which, by the way, not enough office employees.

get up because of the computer once a hour

get up because of the computer once a hour


"Dry" eye

Another office trouble. Prolonged location in front of the monitor leads not only to damage to the vessels, but also to cut the mucous membrane. Surely in your office has a powerful air conditioning. The lacrimal glands simply do not cope with such a load, which leads to dryness and irritation of the organ. In addition, it is not necessary to note the voltage to which your eyes are subject to throughout the day. Be careful to yourself.

Regular pain

And in several areas at once. Most often, office staff faces migraines and pain in the back of the back, which is also not surprising, because the spine is in serious voltage most of the time. At about 45% of cases, cervical osteochondrosis develops. Unpleasant, right? So that this does not happen in your case, experts recommend performing workouts about once an hour to improve blood circulation and restore the mobility of the vertebrae. In addition, learn yourself to put my leg to foot - you do not need early varicose veins?

Endless stress

It is impossible to leave without attention and the psychological aspect of office work: finding in a noisy office implies constant voltage, and sudden tasks can also knock out from the rut, especially if a person is quite difficult to work in a fast pace. By the end of the day, the increased content in the blood of cortisol leads to strong headaches, from which a person is rescued with the help of drugs that negatively affect the mucous stomach. Already from here, problems with digestion begins.

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