Ekaterina Volkova: "My husband and I spent a vacation in an adult"


Family vacation does not always have a romance. Adults are forced to live in children's schedule and often bring their interests in sacrifices. Stars are no exception. But sometimes they still arrange an adult holiday. So the star of the series "Voronina" Ekaterina Volkov, who, together with her husband, held several beautiful days in the Baltic States. He turned to the actress for comments.

- Now summer vacation can mean a variety of leisure activities: from the beach to the extreme. What did you choose?

- My husband and my friends were in Jurmala. It was an adult vacation. Without children. By car, with adventures, with a good mood. A completely different rest. Of course, we expected in the sun, but got it quite a bit, it rained more often. But it was not afraid of us at all.

"You and your spouse bring up a five-year-old daughter Lisa and have repeatedly taken her with you to rest." It turns out that I left without it for the first time?

- Really for the first time. We planned so much in advance. Honestly, such a holiday is really necessary. Sometimes I want to relax, do not think about anything, do not adapt to the chart of children, go to bed when I want to go where it wants it is so great.

Changeling the weather did not frightened Catherine and Andrey. They walked a lot on the beach and in the evenings felt pleasant fatigue

Changeling the weather did not frightened Catherine and Andrey. They walked a lot on the beach and in the evenings felt pleasant fatigue

- What did you manage to see?

- At first we stayed in Riga for two days. We wanted to get to the new performance of Mikhail Baryshnikov, based on the diaries of the Russian dancer and choreographer Vaclav Nizhinsky. In Riga, this production could be viewed only five evenings. Tickets have long been joined, and some miracle managed to get one. And four of us. And so that no one disappoints, we decided not to go. But in Riga met their buddies and acquaintances. Saw with Andrei Urgant. Anfisa Chekhov was also at this moment in the city, but it was not possible to cross it. But met with our friends, dinner in a beautiful company. These days were pouring rains. At some point, we could not reach the hotel, although it was only some five hundred meters away. Rain lil from a bucket. I had to wait for bad weather in a small bar. The bad weather combines people of absolutely all nationalities. There was a feeling that everyone was talked in the same language. Although the bar was heard in Russian, Latvian, Estonian, English. And everyone was sitting nearby, peacefully and beautiful.

- Local delicacies pampered themselves?

- Tried the famous Riga Balsam. I didn't really like it, all the same fortress forty degrees - not for girls. But there is a lightweight liqueur with black currant. Very tasty. As it turned out, it can be drunk and in its pure form, and with tea or coffee, and with orange juice - interfere in different ways. We in Riga held only two evenings and dined in two local restaurants. I treat food very calmly, I can not call himself gourmet, who seeks to try the whole national food. What if you do not like it? Therefore, we ordered what we usually eat in Moscow, while remained very satisfied. Two days later we moved to Jurmala. Our friends came there for a week earlier and found good weather, and we got pouring rains. Nevertheless, walking along the streets, saw Leonid Yarmolnik, and Larisa Valley. Of course, we are not familiar with them. But when you see the familiar faces away from home, then everyone becomes their. (Laughs.)

Ekaterina Volkova looks great in a swimsuit

Ekaterina Volkova looks great in a swimsuit

- You yourself were born in Tallinn, so the Baltic States should be very close to you in spirit ...

- It's true. For me, this is all so native, including changeable weather. At seven in the morning you wake up - a bright sun. Think: Well, the day is beautiful. But then clouds are coming. However, this is not scarecrow. We took with them warm things, spits and went to the beach. When the sun was peeking out - we sunk when clouds came out - shelled and breathed fresh air. Five days flew unnoticed. We all walked all the time, and in the evening came home and rolled down. Forces enough, except that the serial is to see, just like olders. (Laughs.) But the series in Stephen King was very interesting. Could not tear off. He is short, just one season out of several episodes, and we wanted to see it immediately. But our men said: "Have a conscience! Quickly sleep. " In general, time perfectly spent.

- Souvenirs scrap?

- Not. I consider them dust collectors. I do not like things that buy just like that. They are then lying, it is not clear where to fold. Moreover, Jurmala is near. And something briefing does not make sense, it is better to go there again.

Catherine does not consider himself a gourmet, so in Latvia gave preference to the food chosen in Moscow. And he was satisfied

Catherine does not consider himself a gourmet, so in Latvia gave preference to the food chosen in Moscow. And he was satisfied

- On the Jurmala beach you took a photo in a swimsuit. Wonderful look. Specially prepared for the season?

- No, I did not put myself in order to the beach season. If it was preparing, it would be even more fasten. Thanks to my daughter, which does not sit on the spot, I have no time to relax. And I really liked the swimsuit, really unusual.

- Judging by your impressions, you really liked the rest for adults ...

"We will definitely arrange something similar." If it turns out, we want to drive to Peter in October. At least on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. To make an adult to resemble museums, wander around the city, go to Peterhof. In fact, initially we planned exactly a trip to Petersburg. And then they thought: what is there to Riga to go some nine hundred kilometers, but let's rushing. And drove. It seems to me that adults should sometimes spend their vacation for this way, without children. To not think about anything, but to rest.

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