5 myths imposed by psychologists


Myth number 1.

People are divided into audiors - perceive information on hearing and visuals - perceive the world solely with eyes. Depending on this, they should be learned and informing information. But this is not the case. As scientific research has shown, these types are not found in "pure" form.

The type of perception does not affect studies

The type of perception does not affect studies


Myth number 2.

It is necessary to smile and, thus, you automatically post people. Now it is already known: the suppression and masking of negative emotions are only harmful. The exhausted delight looks insincere and fake. On the contrary, you may seem a companion to the girl with oddities.

Smile can push

Smile can push


Myth number 3.

Allegedly exist poses that can help us feel confident. Look at the heroes of films and act as well. However, studies have shown that it is not. There is no effect from these poses.

Poses do not give confidence

Poses do not give confidence


Myth number 4.

Opposites are attracted, do you think? No matter how. In fact, we choose people similar to us both externally and in life values, upbringing.

Opposites are not attracted

Opposites are not attracted


Myth number 5.

Having read the recommendations of psychologists, the young bosses began to arrange subordinate stress in the form of collective brainstorms. They say, so creative people will faster will find new ideas, approaches and solving problems. But this method does not work, quite. On the contrary, employees get better to generate creative ideas alone.

Brainstorms only harm creativity

Brainstorms only harm creativity


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