All 32: 4 Effective Smile Defect Fix


It is believed that a smile in some cases helps to solve quite difficult situations. But what to do if there are certain defects, and the dentition can not be called perfect? Most often, the problems with the bite begin to worry a person after the end of adolescence, and the earlier we start to correct the defects of the smile, the faster the process goes out. And yet do not despair, if you are not a teenager for a long time - you can fix the bite at any age, and already exactly - we will tell today.


One of the most modern ways to correct bite is considered to be carrying removable caps, which are called elineers. Here you need to remember that every case is individual and say for sure that this method is suitable for you, it is impossible. Consultation of a specialist is necessary. Often the treatment with rails are prescribed with non-serious defects, when it is only necessary to correct the tooth row, without correcting the bite. Transparent kaps need to be worn for several months without a break, which may not be too comfortable, but the exterior aesthetics are not very disturbed.

Do not tighten a hike to a specialist

Do not tighten a hike to a specialist



A classic way to solve the problem of incorrect bite is the installation of the bracket system. If some 15 years ago braces were considered exclusively teenage "accessory", today even metal systems can be found almost at every step in rather solid people. Probably one of the reasons for such popularity is the effectiveness of braces, which are often able to solve even the most complex and launched cases with a bite.


With the help of veneers it is impossible to correct a serious defect, but give a smile more aesthetics and correct the dental row is quite real. Today, the veneers are thin plates resembling the second tooth enamel. Any darkens, chips and cracks on the tooth can be masked using venions, and without turning the tooth, as it happened 20 years ago. One of the advantages of veneers is the moment that you can independently choose their shade.


Not the most popular, but at the same time a rather effective way to fix small bite defects. Of course, the use of trainers in childhood more preferably - the process will go much faster, and yet adults can also assign these removable structures, if, for example, you need to change the location of several teeth. And the main plus is to use the trains only before bedtime and leave all night. Conveniently!

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