Stop shouting: how to talk to an aggressive partner


Abyouz rarely when "coming out" beyond the family, most often friends and loved ones do not know what is happening behind closed doors. Meanwhile, one of the aggressors in pairs is simply incredible harm to its second half. Often the victim of the Abuza does not know how to break out of such a relationship, or it simply does not have forces on it. Definitely aggression will not lead to anything good, and even more so does not strengthen the family, so the gap is inevitable here, and yet we will tell you how to do to reduce the abuser head.

More independence

The main task of the absurr is the deprivation of his victim of all the will and his own opinion. If your partner applies to this category, you probably notice how it categorically denies any of your suggestions and never takes your opinion. In such a situation, you need to preserve your identity with all the might. Of course, an aggressive partner will be against, but it is better to destroy such relationships than to endure constant humiliation.

The manipulator is always looking for a victim

The manipulator is always looking for a victim


Build borders

For the absormer, it is quite normal to destroy any borders with your victim. And we again come to the fact that it is important to keep the power of will and confidence in order to designate our own borders. The most important thing is not to enter into meaningless disputes with a homely tyrant, since the aggressor studied you well and learned to select the arguments that work specifically with you. Instead of unnecessary conversations, let us understand a person that you do not suit you, and do not be lazy to do it every time you feel discomfort. Do not shine uncomfortable moments.

No fear

Personality takes place primarily by calling the victim of fear. If you are afraid, you do not resist. And this is exactly what your partner is achieved. Of course, overcome fear very difficult, especially in the case when you cannot for any reason to get away from the partner. However, developing confidence in himself, you will feel that fear gradually retreats, the main thing is not to succumb to provocations and protect your borders.

Full Ignore

As a rule, a person who came into dependence on the other has a psychological type that everyone seeks to like. Manipulators quickly calculate such a person and begin to "process" it. While tightening a winsted person in relation to the relationship, the abuser subordinates his will, and Ignore is perceived by the perception of a more supportive partner, it is extremely negative, but at the same time it has a good effect. As soon as you feel that you are trying to impose your will, and you understand that you do not have decent arguments to answer, just ignore the person. But at the same time, do not allow the situation to heat up, as the absormer such behavior can derive. If you feel that "smeared fried", it is better to simply distance themselves and not bring the situation to an open conflict.

Relations with a manipulator and the aggressor will never be able to become satisfactory for both, because the abuser chooses a person in advance who is not able to repulse, and therefore, if the tips above have only a temporary effect, do not pull with a break, it is unknown to make a sense of limitless power of the abusive partner .

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