Internet brought up: 6 Useless, but merry Ticketocks that you want to repeat at home


Ice shower. This technique will work if you have a significant minus outside the window. You need to boil the water, pour it into the mug and go to the frost. There, throw out the water up, necessarily aside on behalf of the face and body. From a sharp temperature difference, water will instantly frozen, and get an ice shower.

Butterfly from tomatoes. It seems that vegetables can be cut into slices and eat in a salad, but sometimes you want something unusual. For example, make a butterfly from tomato!

Orbiz in chopper for garlic. We tried, and this is a class! Grind the shore-like balls - the present pleasure that the joy and child will bring, and you. Agree, you can stick to such a video for a long time?

Glass on the forehead. But this lifehak, we are unlikely to try ourselves, but you can repeat with a powerful hairdryer and a plastic cup. To be more fun, put a plastic ball for ping pong in a glass.

Cleaning the razor. The razor should be solving the reverse scroll, in which you can clean it from the scoring hairs. They say that the same lifehak with stubborn water will turn out if soak nuts for a couple of hours, try too!

While tea bag. If you cut the bag as on the video, and then set fire, due to heat allocated, it takes up and burns, without having time to touch the ceiling. By the same principle a paper flashlight works. You can spend an experiment with a child to surprise it.

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