Ekaterina Klimova: "How mother and wife I am not the most enviable option"


Ekaterina Klimova as the personification of spring: years go, projects and children are added, and it seems, and does not change at all. The same slender, beautiful, smiling, as a few years ago, when we also shot the cover of the Atmosphere. No wonder that in many interviews she is asked by the same question: how do she manage to look wonderful with such a crazy life schedule? We decided to talk about the changes of the internal and found out what today's Katya Klimov envies himself twenty years. Details - in an interview with the April Journal "Atmosphere".

- Catherine, you told about your Gypsy roots. The nomadic people are peculiar to freedom. Do you more than feel like a person free or dependent?

- With age, the understanding of this word has changed for me. For any freedom, you need to pay. I like a person burdened with family, children, whose profession takes most of the time, I understand it well. For many years I can't afford any hobby, I do not have time to watch TV or read the book. So anyone can argue on this topic, just not to me. But the freedom of choice appeared in the profession: I can be filmed in those pictures that I really are interested. I no longer have some youth complexes, which at one time I was strongly limited. In addition, as it turned out, many things are imposed on us by society: a successful woman should try all expensive innovations of the beauty industry, to live on a ruble, wearing decorations from Cartier and urgently get rid of iPhone as soon as a new one came out. And in fact, this is not so important.

- Do you have moments when you want to throw everything, run away?

- I am a man impulsive, and such gusts happen. But I have a lot of commitments. Besides, I often go to the cinema expedition: for me, on the contrary, the roads of the moments when I am at home. I stretch this time when I can stay with my family, children. I get the joy of what I can prepare them something delicious for lunch.

Dress, Alla Couture; Shoes, Stuart Weitzman; Decorations, Valtera.

Dress, Alla Couture; Shoes, Stuart Weitzman; Decorations, Valtera.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Did you have a temptation to sit a little more on maternity leave?

- I will say a secret, now there is almost no such concept. Very few women allow themselves to be on leave to care for a child and a half or two years. We have become strong, initiative and do not want to lose the conquered positions in the career. I, probably, the most vibrant representative of women who are trying to combine both the family and work, but not always succeed. With each child, mine, as you said, maternity leave is getting shorter. I finished shooting in the middle of August, and my younger daughter Balla was born on September 30th. And in December, I again starred in the picture "I love my husband." It was hard - leave the tiny daughter, but, as it was called, an interesting scenario caught. (Smiles.)

- That is, the tendency "I was born in a year of a horse and Pasha also" persists?

- And I would be glad to break out of the harness, but it does not work. I like a horse in Shorakh: already flying on inertia for these projects, performances, tours, red paths. There are contracts, you can't bring people, some events are asked to come friends ... Probably, you need to learn to say "no". At first, you strive for success, and then you get the other side of popularity. Since the profession is public, even in personal life you are in sight. You can not relax, knowing that you can approach you at any time, sometimes the most inappropriate. And the coupe can knock on the hotel room. I can not imagine how Hollywood superstars live! (Smiles.)

- At the family lifestyle, your popularity affects?

- As far as I remember, I have always been active, initiative, as my dad spoke, flying. So parents are accustomed to this, and children grew up with such a mother actress. I comfort myself to think that, since we have a large Italian family - four children, grandparents, grandparents, babysitting, - they do not feel the deficit of love and my forced absence does not prevent them from living with a normal life. Of course, we have no idyll: combine the family and work difficult. But what to do: there are people who are obsessed with the profession, and I am from their number.

Dress, Alla Couture; Shoes, Stuart Weitzman; Decorations, Valtera.

Dress, Alla Couture; Shoes, Stuart Weitzman; Decorations, Valtera.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- That is, you are unlikely to afford a family trip to the airpark shopping and entertainment center, where is our shooting?

- No, why, sometimes we spend so weekend - in such complexes, like this, you can go to the cinema, and sit in a cafe, ride a rink. Lisa, by the way, loves to play slot machines. She is a very lucky man and soft toys that seem to be simply impossible to hook, pulls out at times. We can have fun in the supermarket to ride together on large carts with products. The acting life is unordered: they work for half a year without a vacation and almost without days off, and then suddenly there happens a break, which miraculously coincides with the vacation of children.

- Do you love shopping?

- Yes, I like shopping: For a woman, it is akin to anti-stress therapy. I am pleased to do shopping when the opportunity appears. As a rule, I do not leave empty hands: I went into one boutique, in the other, got on some reason ...

- How do children react if there is someone suitable for shopping for shopping for your shopping or asking for a photograph?

- With understanding - we are departed aside, waiting. For the time being, they did not notice that their parents were special, they thought, maybe all mom on TV is shown. They rarely come to me on shooting or on performances in the theater.

- Why? They are not interested?

- They have their own saturated life. Now they learn in Lomonosov school, which I am very glad. I am serious about the issue of study. I do not even be as important as evaluations as the real knowledge of the subject. But even more I want to raise independence in them, provide freedom of choice. Lisa loves music, plays many tools: piano, guitar, ukulele. When I brought home Celtic Arf to practice for filming in the painting "Love and Sax", the daughter mastered her much faster. And sons are fond of sports. Matvey is engaged in boxing, rooting attract chess. He also wants to become an aircraft designer. And Balla goes to the lessons of musical development.

Dress, yanina couture; Shoes, Stuart Weitzman; Decorations, Valtera.

Dress, yanina couture; Shoes, Stuart Weitzman; Decorations, Valtera.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- She is only two years old?

- Two and a half. But she also has his own interests, she wants to communicate with peers.

- And Lisa is already sixteen. Have you become girlfriends?

- I hope. But, honestly, I never sought to it. In my opinion, the mother should be primarily authority. Children depend on us and sometimes manipulate their good behavior or estimates, false attention to us to avoid punishment. And only when they become independent, you can talk about friendship. Now I am trying to keep sobility in our relationship. I don't want Lisa to think that at some point the panibrate will allow me to close your eyes on her misdeed. There must be mutual respect, the absence of egoistic motives. First you need to raise a person, and then be friends with him.

- She helps you with younger children?

- Of course it helps. But life has changed. This earlier parents could send us five years to the store for bread. We ourselves went on the tram, in the subway. Came from school and heated their food. Now it is simply impossible to imagine. The children are engaged in nanny, and they have become infantive, helpless in terms of life, although they have to handle the information much more than we at one time. Balla deftly controlled with the phone, knows how to go to the settings and connect Wi-Fi. Lisa has never been responsible as on the older sister in terms of helping younger: to feed, wash, put to sleep ... I always believed that these are my problems, and she has a school and his life. Of course, children have some home duties: they remove toys for themselves, can wash the dishes, bring garbage, but all this is not in such a volume, as we had when the elder brother or sister literally replaced the parents.

- Previously, the girl should be the mistress.

- As my mom said: married - learn! (Laughs.) Indeed, some things in our nature are laid and then reveal in the desired environment when you become my wife and mother. Just getting married, I finally understood why my mom is almost every day of soap floors. You see every trip in your house.

Dress, yanina couture; Shoes, Stuart Weitzman; Decorations, Valtera.

Dress, yanina couture; Shoes, Stuart Weitzman; Decorations, Valtera.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Are you a perfectionist in this regard?

- Oh yeah! I love purity very much, and every year the situation is exacerbated. (Laughs.) I like to create comfort. And since there are a lot of people in the house, everyone is trying to find a place and teach themselves to them and others. For example, curtains must be dotted with equal intervals. While I was not, the cups rearranged in the servant - you need to return to the place. The rooms of children threw away from unnecessary objects, which yesterday were castles and garages in their fantasies, "you need to disassemble everything. (Laughs.) When my guys come from school and see garbage bags in the doors, they say: "Oh, mom arrived!". And I remember since childhood, some boxes were kept in the old apartments on the mezzanine, hung in the cabinet of grandfather a pre-war coat, smelling naphthalene ... Therefore, I strive to clear the ruins. Children grow up - their things immediately find new owners. Although some expensive memorable souvenirs I keep in a special box: their drawings, notes, postcards on March 8 ...

- Are you a romantic person?

- Sentimental: Sad movies or books touched me. But in me the material understanding of life dominates. I love comfort, and often my attitude towards a person is also poured in the material equivalent. Alas! Gifts I try to choose practical. (Laughs.) Another romance is prone to constant shower suffering, but I do not want to suffer, I need it to be good.

- And in marriage you need a romance? Is it necessary to invent something to give a new impetus to relationships?

- Invent - definitely not. I want to care for relationships as for a precious vase. After all, if it is not clean, do not polish, do not put flowers there, it will cover the layer of dust. And by negligence it can be broken at all. So I do not risk relationships of desire. Shake them, add pepper - dismiss! On the contrary, try to save what you have. With age for me, a special value was acquired by respect, mutual understanding, the comfort of existence nearby.

Dress, Alla Couture; Decorations, Valtera.

Dress, Alla Couture; Decorations, Valtera.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Do you like yourself more than in youth?

- in something more, in something less. Everything has its time. When you are young, it is most often dissatisfied with him. You pay more attention to your own shortcomings: do not like the nose or figure seems not so slim. And the growing, you begin to appreciate the beauty not external. I admire Julia Roberts: She's no longer a girl, there is no charm of youth, but there is a radiance, light. Well, when you realize that you are developing in the right direction. I like the body in which I am, my thoughts, my consciousness. I feel comfort with me. But at the same time, the adorable twenty-year-old Catherine Klimova, who could admire the bravery with the givingbird that crawls in her, no longer. (Smiles.) Maybe in old age I will watch the bugs and write poetry ...

- Do you have a feeling of professional jealousy, when someone got a role thanks to his appearance, youth?

- In the theater, this does not happen. On the contrary, I ask someone to duplicate me in performances, because it is periodically leaving on the decret. (Laughs.) Never clung to the role. And in the movie sometimes worried that they were not approved somewhere. But then I understood: if the role is not yours, it will not be yours. All that is done for the better. If they were taken to the project, there would be no other, much more interesting. In addition, I have so much work that there is no time to reflect on similar themes.

Dress, yanina couture; Decorations, Valtera.

Dress, yanina couture; Decorations, Valtera.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- In the theater, you immediately feel the reaction of the hall. In the cinema - not so ...

- There is such a problem. There are many intermediaries between the actor and the viewer. I always thought about myself: allow me to the viewer, and we will understand each other. (Laughs.) But at the beginning of the career you are not you. Somehow dressing not so, you say you say the text you wrote, and do not dare to rephrase it, performingly performing the will of the director. Only gradually, step by step, become ourselves. You say: Can I wear such a skirt, this length does not go? And I can pronounce this phrase with the same meaning, but a little differently? And while you are as you come to the viewer, it can pass a lot of time. Not everyone has enough strength to save yourself, believe that you generally exist. You are starting to adapt to the mainstream: oh, but now fashionable plump lips - come on and I will increase myself? Or maybe play in a vulgar play and unwind doggings? Or change orientation? Then I like it? .. (laughs.)

- It's how to find your man.

- A man is alone, and the audience is a lot. But in principle - yes. The recipe "remain ourselves" can be applicable to everything. Of course, it is impossible to bloom, becoming a smug, impenetrable, inflexible egoist.

- What made it globally to become an actress - the desire of popularity, love?

- I can not say that in childhood I very actively showed creative abilities. On the contrary, I was a closed, quiet child. Sometimes asked to buy a girlfriend. He was shy to say at the checkout: "I am a white and half of black". I always thought that I had a case in this profession - lucky. Now I understand that it is still initially we are predetermined by some way. Interestingly, on the earliest children's photo I have ack-friendly face everywhere. Mom tells: "It is not clear, but for some reason, when the camera was instructed for you, you started crying." Maybe I already knew something about this girl, I saw that in the future I would have to be filmed a lot, and at that moment was not ready for closer attention: it was not painted and not dressed! (Laughs.)

Dress, yanina couture; Decorations, Valtera.

Dress, yanina couture; Decorations, Valtera.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Are you satisfied with your creative fate?

- Yes. Sometimes it seems to me that I sleep, all this is not happening to me. It is difficult to give a report to each day. We look at yourself in the mirror and do not notice how changing. But if I had today's, such a popular actress, showed that twenty-year-old Kate Klimova, she would not believe, probably. If you assess objectively my career, it has developed successfully. It seems to me that I have quite diverse roles. And, probably, no character to me is attached to me. I have no exorbitant ambitions - to conquer Hollywood for example.

- What do you think the movie helps to live?

- Now thanks to social networks, you can learn a lot about yourself and about your work. (Smiles.) Sometimes I get interesting letters. Not about the fact that "I also want to be an actress" or "Where do you bought such a coat, in which they starred in the 'Christmas tree"? ". There are constructive comments. And sometimes someone admits that our picture helped him solve a personal problem, changed life. And then I like the wings immediately grow. (Smiles.) I always try to configure himself like this: if this story touched me, she and the viewer will not leave indifferent.

- What do you feel about your age?

- I became more serious. But in the soul, I stay a little girl who wants to sleep longer, and take a walk, but, alas, there is responsibility. Age is felt in the fact that you limit yourself in dreams. Immediately you start to ask yourself: Do you want for sure? Do you understand what will have to do for this? Of course, I have dreams, but they are others - so that everyone is healthy and happy and reacted the world on Earth. (Laughs.)

Sweater and pants, all - Cepheya; Decorations, Valtera.

Sweater and pants, all - Cepheya; Decorations, Valtera.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Is everything really serious? And with girlfriends in the cafe go, sing in karaoke? ..

- There are girlfriends with whom we have been friends for many years, and new appear. In principle, I am an open person, but now I can not so hotly maintain a relationship like sometime. When there is an opportunity, we meet girls. But I, probably, the same as a mother and wife: not the most enviable option.

- One of your colleague told that when everything is in work on the firm "five," you have to switch to the family, where everything is on the "Troika", pull it out and again go back to work ...

- so cute sounds in theory, but in fact it is impossible. It happens that it is immediately poured on all fronts, and then some colas in all subjects. "Five" is a result of today. You get it when you work hard, hard. And I do not understand how it is - today on "Troychka"? I do not know how to work in your work. I still have such an excitement before going to the scene, which seems to me that the heart breaks. At such moments I do not know why I am generally engaged in this profession. (Laughs.) And as for the upbringing of children, this "five" also earn not immediately. But it's so nice when someone says: "What are your good children!". So, the necessary grains were sown.

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