5 advice of a professional florist so that your bouquet does not start


March 8 cannot do without luxury bouquets that will decorate our homes at least one more week after the holidays. But there are such situations where beautiful flowers die literally in a couple of days. How to prevent this? We talked to the florist and are ready to answer this question.

No cold water

As a rule, we put flowers into the water or almost cold or ice. Nothing amazing is that on the second day the bouquet looks crying. The expert recommends using for flowers exclusively warm water, even hot - approximately 44 degrees. Thus, evaporation will occur more slowly, and the flower will delight you longer. Florists call such a way a kind of quilt for a flower.

Remove the leaves

Not everything, of course. But those leaflets that ended up in the water should surely cut off. The thing is that these leaves begin to be raned first, spreading bacteria to the entire stem. To prevent this, cut it in advance and fresh leaves.

Never put a bouquet in cold water

Never put a bouquet in cold water

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

"Chemistry" in business

Do not be afraid that preservatives will spoil the bouquet, on the contrary, it justs at least three days longer than the laid. You can purchase special "chemistry" for plants in gardening or market. But if there is no such possibility, we prepare a solution with your own hands: we need a cytrus soda and bleach. Acid and sugar drink will kill everything dangerous bacteria. But do not overdo it, the concentration must be 1: 3.

Remove dry flowers

No matter how sorry, from the sipped buds mercilessly get rid. Moreover, it is not necessary to do this at the moment when the flower is scattered from dryness, and at the very beginning of withering. Ethylene, allocated by a spoiled flower, is extremely poisons for healthy "fellow" on a bouquet.

Do not mix different types

Sometimes, when there is no time, we collect all the donated flowers in one vase. Do not do this, with which our expert agree with. Many flowers simply do not tolerate neighborhoods with other species, but the whole problem in the discharges that will easily kill the neighbor in a vase. But even if you didn't know about it, a slightly sipped bouquet can be tried to reanimate: first, we sit in a new vase, and secondly, we slightly wrap the buds in warm water.

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