Roman Budnikov: "Now I'm still idle"


"Roman, you have become the leading" phasenda "a year ago, changing Sergei Kolesnikov in this post. It was hard to navigate in the subject of construction and repair?

- I was worried about the construction topic. Always more worried about the collective, in which you will get. On television, this topic is generally quite serious. Let's impart - do not let go, you will come off - you will not come together. And I always relate to the theme of construction. I can not say that I am a super sufficientist, but my native grandfather Ivan Antonovich Denigin departed me love for designers from childhood: make something, come up with, because he himself was inventor, engineer. Therefore, I was completely not afraid. And when I came to try, I immediately felt that I was still cool. And when we started working together, almost immediately went. As if the day before yesterday, I had passed for more than a year.

- You were chosen to place the lead from 30 applicants. What did you struck producers?

- I do not think that I am very striking them just, because there was such a task. It seems to me that it was necessary just somehow organically and confidentially convey information to the viewer. But with "Fazenda" I have some other interesting thing happened. I am a fairly vain man, and always sought to success. Of course, I dreamed of work on the first. And a few years ago, representing which program could lead, accidentally stumbled upon "Fazenda". In my head, something clicked: here I would have looked organic. And they took, and called in a year with a little. Materialization? Visualization? Works!

- You have never studied the mastery of the TV host. And "get to television" you once helped your charm.

- In my particular case, "getting" - a case has helped. My friend worked the leading on the "capital", and somehow called me a visit to my program. I am a cheerful man. Says: Come, just make fun in the frame. And after some time, the "capital" called: would not like to try yourself as a leading day program heading? Well, I tried. And then everything somehow went by itself - different projects, on different channels. That is, I don't do anything for this. May and right.

Roman Budnikov is a professional musician. .

Roman Budnikov is a professional musician. .

- You used to professionally engaged in music. It seemed to me that when your career went in another direction, you somehow easily left music as a hobby, and switched to TV.

- Well, not quite so. I never left music, and in principle she was always at the head of the corner. And now this is my passion surviving a new round. I also consider a television career, too, as creativity, so one else does not interfere. Yesterday, for example, in the morning I was on the set of "Fazends", then came home, snapped, and went to the rehearsal. And we played four hours on guitars, double bass and accordions. Now with your group we make a new program - rehearsing the songs of the war years about the Motherland, we want to make a gift for the spring veterans.

- At one time, you have completed the musical school externally in two years. It turns out that you are a nugget, or did the teachers have good?

- I just missed half items. (Laughs.) I came directly on the course to the director of our music school in Engels, Yuri Trofimov. And he is a professional jazzman. And there was a lot of strength to jazz live in Saratov, and in the Saratov region. Then the whole series of jazz festivals took place in the Saratov region. But I came to him in a music school already a musician, we had a rock band. True, I knew only three chord and with pleasure they saw them. Therefore, I was engaged in the abbreviated program, accelerated. But I got what I need.

- And initially your passion for music on what was based? Who pushed you to this?

- Boys who sang songs under the guitar in the yard. About 15-16 years old are starting to fall in love, Spring-Summer, you go from school, the boys are sitting, girls on the guitars play. I also want. I found a guitar house behind the cabinet, began to pick up chords, started a songbook, began to write a song there. And so so quietly, quietly and went. A familiar in the yard appeared, he was seriously fond of music, rock, blues. And we somehow arranged gatherings at his entrance, he showed me the basics. Roughly speaking, I seriously carried away rock and blues with his feed.

- Who were your musical idols?

- There were yes. Basically, these are guitarists. I really like Gary Moore, Joe Satriani, Steve Ray, like Steve Wai, who came to Russia recently. This is such highly specialized music, it is a guitar. Cult musicians who have made a coup in music in my opinion.

Roman Budnikov wants to ever build a country house. .

Roman Budnikov wants to ever build a country house. .

- And who are you in the diploma of the Saratov School of Culture?

- Head of the pop ensemble. (Smiles.) In general, with formation, I, of course, came out a wildly funny story. My mother at one time finished the geographical department of Saratov University. She loved her geography, history, and after school, naturally, sent me to Saratov university. I, in general, was not against, but did not get one point, passing exams on the geography on Troyak. Returned home, mom asks: "Well, what?" I say: "Three". She: "And who passed?" I say: "Such and so that". She says: "Yes, do you still work?" And this is a teacher who cut off the disciples, when my mother studied at the university. She then could not tolerate my mother, although she was an excellent. And, apparently, purely intuitively cut me, and for nothing. But maybe it's for the better? I suspect that if I got into the Saratov university in those years, then my life would be completely different in my other way. I am sure one hundred percent that would go to KVN, because all the prerequisites for it were. As a result, I went and filed documents to the Saratov Music School, in the class of guitar. Engaged with a tutor, who already taught there. And then I was going to the conservatory. But in the summer, before the exam, my friend musician called me on the graduation on the boat, according to the Volga Mother. Wine river, all that. And here I met the girl. She also studied in "Kulk", on theatrical. I got carried away very much. It is not clear how the place of study and love contacted my junior brain, because - well, learn where you want, who interferes from meeting? But I took the documents from the Museum and went to the "Cuck", where my favorite learned. I was taken without any exams: I sang a song under the guitar - come in. And then the work has already begun, and I was not what.

- In Moscow, did you leave with an eye to make a musical career?

"We drove into Moscow simply because in Saratov was already impossible to be, I wanted to grow somewhere. Yes, they went first in order to make music. We also worked in restaurants with musicians, it is completely normal. Then everything somehow took place in one direction.

- We could have lost you and "losing" at one time. You wanted to emigrate to Israel before Moscow?

"Yes, we wanted to leave with the wife Galya and, probably, Moscow was just helped by this. Because when we arrived, they started to prepare for this purpose, found language courses. But then everything went well here. Interesting projects appeared, work, Sasha's daughter was born. Yes, and in Israel, everything was somewhat restless. Gradually, this topic has shown no. Now I do not think to leave anywhere. Everything goes as it should go. Well where we are.

Roman Budnikov with daughter Alexander. .

Roman Budnikov with daughter Alexander. .

- Are you still in Mytishchi?

- The former spouse with his daughter lives in the apartment in Mytishchi, and I myself am here, on Alekseevskaya, not far. With my north of Moscow, for some reason the whole story is connected. Botanical Garden, VDNH. Always here. The last has almost 15 years.

- But there is still a cottage in the Saratov region?

- Dacha is not so much my mom. When her construction began, I also attached to this hand. Now I rarely go there. Last year, Mom gone, and the cottage is now empty. She is doing my younger sister, but she has two sons, therefore not so much time. But we are not going to sell the house. If once a year I can escape there, and that is good.

- Now you probably dream also about the house in the suburbs?

- I dreamed of a country house. But now she calmed down a little. Maybe this is due to the fact that working in Fazenda I have to make a large number of trips to the area. And when I see these endless traffic jams, I understand that to live for Moscow time, to get from there to Moscow every day, spending an hour and a half to the road, I'm not ready yet. In any case, someday I build a house to meet old age there. When I already have a calm, philosophical attitude, for years to 60, and I will want to pacification: a house, swimming pool and a tennis table.

- You have a spouse for education - builder.

- Yes, but now Katya left a little in another plane, it is engaged in a web design. And then, it happened that now I am again ... idle. Relationships with Katya have lasted long enough, four years old, probably. Of these, the last year and a half we were married. But now, without hysterics and scandals, we both at the same time understood that our paths disagree. We are friends, we communicate, I support her, somewhere I am aiming something that suggests something. But each of us already builds its life on your own. I always succeed: periods of close and romantic family relations are replaced by periods of loneliness. And sometimes periods of loneliness lasts more than family. For me there is no discomfort. So it is necessary. Never in his life did not leave one to another. That is, if we part, I stay alone. After some time, everything stacked, and new relationships begin.

"Does my daughter live with mom from her first marriage?"

- Yes, but Mom married. And recently she had another daughter. So my Sasha has a younger sister Sonya. We have excellent relationships. In general, to be honest, I noticed, I have with all women who were in my life, friendly, warm relationships have been preserved. It's great.

- Flute Sasha is engaged in you? Have you pushed her?

- Partly I, partly Galya. Because my ex-wife as a child learned to play the violin. Now she is not a musician, but her musical education was very useful. And Sasha went to study on the flute, she really likes. She in life is an excellent study, so it is very easy for her.

Now Roman Budnikov lives in the north of Moscow. .

Now Roman Budnikov lives in the north of Moscow. .

- You yourself are going to release an album soon, then, on inspiration, you have time to write songs?

- Yes. But I critically treat my own creativity. It seems to me that every composer has its own rut, and everyone has a different width. Of course, if you do a self-development, this rut ​​can be expanded. But in most cases, the composer is always heard: a, it is the same. I still work on myself, above my work, and I still have a field for experiments. I wrote the first song at the age of 17, it was a classic rock and roll. And now I am preparing the album not at all of my songs. We want to make a selection of the classic compositions of the Russian pop. I think the spring will make a presentation of the program.

- Spectators "Fazends" will ever hear your musical skills in the program?

- Sure. In general, last winter we already had an interesting project called the "drum". There was a family with a musical daughter who studied to play drums. And we made them in the style of "drum" all the kitchen: lamps, shelves. And in the final she dragged the drum installation on this small kitchen, I turned on the combice, connected the electric guitar to it, and we "fry" rock and roll together. Then in the summer, a guitar in transmission appeared in one issue. Once, I sang a couple of lines from some romance to my little Hawaiian guitar Ukulele. When appropriate, we use it.

- By the way, in your program you give the characters a symbol of the house - painted operator. Do you have someone in the apartment in the apartment?

- Bentally say, but, I think this is my guitar. In the last years of life, my favorite tool - Gibson is always. This is a legendary guitar, which is many years. For a long time she was in the hands of Sasha Yagya from the "White Eagle". Then switched to me. So this favorite black "Gibson" is my talisman.

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