Armen Dzhigarkhanyan: "Dettle difficult"


The famous actor and director told in an interview with Womanhit about the secret of married longevity and many other things.

- Armen Borisovich, will begin with the question of the plans of your theater for the new season. Tell us about the premiere play?

- opened the new season with a great play, which was played for many years in the theater. Mayakovsky, it was called "God, keep the queen," we have a completely new version, it is called the "death tower". This is a story about two women, the will of Fate and God, endowed with the authorities, Queen Elizabeth and Mary. Awesome story about love and passions, my actors "have found" above it. I strongly recommend seeing, I think that the production is successful.

- And in what performances, in what new movie works can be seen of the people's artist of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, how do the viewer please?

- There is still playing in the play "Theater of the Times of Nero and Seneki", this is one of the best plays of my favorite author Edward Radzinsky. I am as a philosopher Seneki. And recently starred in Yerevan in a new full-length film, he is called a "house in the heart", played a funny grandfather there. The premiere promised after the new year, on the channel Russia. It is still all of the new roles. In the cinema now I am filming a little, firstly aged, in the second producers they say: "Fog, you are very expensive" ...

- Maybe they say not professional and not knowing the price of real stars, producers?

- I think the fact is that today Russia is a poor country in the issue of movies and culture, so we rush to cheap TV shows. It is easier to make some entertainment transmission, to sing, get to get out. Here I look sometimes television and I think that these programs are calculated, to whom? I agree that today we are not a rich nation, but we are not quite stupid to watch these wretched spectacles. Unfortunately it is sad. I'm afraid to endure such a terrible sentence, but I see what I see around myself, I listen to the radio, I read the news on the Internet, everything does not please. Young people read little. We even have a performance, we read from the scene a high poetry of great authors, we hope at least someone's interest in the young viewer with real art.

- Was it?

- I will say that the youth is now poorly knowing poetry. It seemed that in Russian culture such greatness was Pushkin. Ask someone from the young to quote something from Pushkin. Can not. Ask who Tatiana from Evgeny Onegin will not answer.

- Armen Borisovich, you wrote the book of memoirs "I am a lonely clown". They lived the most interesting life, worked and be friends with the most different people who became idols of the era - Vysotsky, Gurchenko. Is there a desire to write a second?

- No, this is not mine. The book was written thanks to my friend Dubrovsky, there is no, unfortunately with us today. I did not like the writer's role, I like to go to the scene and tell about life, about my friends, about colleagues. Who wants to listen to the epoch, he will come to the actor Dzhigarkhanyan. My fate is acting, not a writtenness.

- Tell your cherished words, what is your secret of success? And what qualities are needed to succeed?

- Do not try to get recipes from Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, they will not. Need a grave path of knowledge. You owe this long way to pass - here to burn your hand, burn the bump there and understand where to move and what you yourself want from life. But the most important thing is to love people. Love and all. And it is difficult. You think it's easy, and you try, you will not work. After all, it means that you will give more than to take, and not everyone is capable of it. Now the main motto: "Take everything you can" take everything "... And to give back, there is no such a maiden. I know a little bit, quite a little bit. I will say, it is difficult to give.

- Do you need to go through any suffering, tests, through pain?

"This is if the fate of such a gift to you will do - give real suffering, then yes. And if a person experienced this will be able to love, then some personal revelation will come. Some of the artists looked at her cloth, said that it was necessary to suffer a little, then you would create great canvas, and if it won't - you would just be a drawrower. So success in the profession. "Drafts" many, talents are small.

- Putting your hand on the heart, you are now easy to talk, because in your times it is successful, recognition was easier. And now wild competition, both among actors and other professions.

- Success to seek was always difficult, at all times. There is such a fashionable word - innovation, now everything around him speak. I do not hesitate to admit, saying that I do not understand the word, and what we achieve with the help of this word, I also do not understand. But I know the word - responsibility, and I understand its meaning. And I see that today in our country no one wants to take responsibility. It is hard, scary. Okay, when people decide all their wise rulers. And if there are no these wise rulers, what then?

- Is it stronger than a sense of responsibility, in men or women? Many women go today in politics, social structures and are trying to take responsibility. As a person of the patriarchal warehouse, consider it right?

- We can not do without women in any case, be something business, politics, art. It is necessary to find contacts, compromises. To drive a woman today to the kitchen, it is already quite stupid. Women smarter, cunning, diplomatic, patient, they have many wonderful qualities. Although if the woman of the bar wants to raise, then I'll think about it, why does she need it? But, if she goes into politics and make something reasonable there, then I voting for her with two hands. That her nature presented, let her use it. There is a mind - let him own, there is beauty, let this quality use, and benefits people. Why should she carry the rods ...

"You somehow said in one interview that Lenin was in due time spoke - the state can manage any cook. Therefore, in our country there are such problems - in power one cooks, can you explain your words?

- Lenin was a cute, he did not say to us, which kitchen. If he said that the cook should be with education, with knowledge, with intelligence, that it should be diplomatically gifted, then she can manage the state. In the world, there are plenty of examples when women successfully manage the state, but for this you need incredible gifts, competence, the ability to manage people, that's if it has such a gift, then a lot of happiness to be under it. Here I talked about such women.

- Armen Borisovich, and the secret of married longevity can open. With your wife, Tatiana live almost all his life, no years, no problem, nor moving to America and long separation, could not destroy your family happiness. Everyone says that the topic of the married longevity has exhausted itself, and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan proves the opposite example.

- Again a difficult question, and again I have no answer. So I, for example, love doctors very much. I have my regular doctors, they look after me, tell me how to behave to feel good, know what to write me a recipe. I am in many years familiar with these people, tie to them, getting used to them, how can you part with them? Also the most spouse. How can you break the attachment that lasts for many years? So just take and part with a person when you love him. Everyone must decide this problem for himself separately, but if there is no love, nothing will help. See, returned to the conversation about love. Without it in any way.

- I can not ask the last question. Literally everyone adores the film "Hello, I am your aunt!", Where you have brilliantly played with Alexander Kalyagin. This film is a masterpiece for all times. Will there still be such a star duet?

- I will not argue with you, it turned out a good picture. I sometimes look, laugh to tears. Kalyagin my close friend and ingenious artist. They would give us again to "think", that would be happiness! If the stars came together and we were offered a good story, I would not have thought of a second, agreed.

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