Cheat nature: secret ways how to add curls


We all dream of beautiful, thick hair. However, not everyone is lucky. The main reason for your hair is thin, is, of course, genetics. We are from nature to each given a certain amount of hair follicle and the diameter of the hair rod. However, not everything is so pessimistic: with proper care, we can completely achieve the necessary amount of hairstyle, straighten or, on the contrary, tweak the hair.

Of course, the first thing should be revised by your permanent hair care products. Choose those that are created specifically for thin hair.

Cheat nature: secret ways how to add curls 11992_1

In the line of cosmetic means "Extreme Volume" from Gliss Kur All means - from shampoo to Balzam - contain marine collagen. He envelops the hairs from the roots to the tips, giving them the necessary volume.


Increasingly acquired funds with natural components. For example, the healing properties of coconut oil was known in antiquity. Its use activates the regeneration of damaged cell structure cells, restores the protective functions of the head of the head of the head; Stabilizes the absorption of proteins that strengthen the hair structure; Satisfies the skin of the head of oxygen. The Russian brand Gloria offers to use coconut hair oil both to restore loose and split tips and as a nutrient mask for hair roots.

Cheat nature: secret ways how to add curls 11992_2

Unlike many other vegetable oils, coconut has the property to be most evenly distributed throughout the hair cover, forming a kind of protective layer that prevents swelling and hair damage during their washing, wiping with a towel, combing and drying. It is a 100% natural product that strengthens hair, making them strong and dense, and makes it easier to comb.

The Russian brand SHIK HALAL to create its own funds uses the latest, juicy and useful components. The SHIK Halal cosmetics are practically not used preservatives, and the composition of the product is selected in such a way that it maintains its freshness naturally.

Cheat nature: secret ways how to add curls 11992_3

Blend cream shampoo is designed specifically in order to help weakened hair. In its composition - fresh bananas, lemon oil, Moroccan tangerines, organic kiwi and juicy pineapple. This fruit cocktail is able to give the volume of any chapel. And the smell that envelops you makes you instantly fall in love with this tool. Important note: All SHIK Halal cosmetics is done manually. Therefore, the quality of all products is very high, but also use them immediately after opening the packaging.

The cosmetics of the Korean brand Llang is based on a 6-year-old red ginseng root. Ginseng, or as it is called in the east, "the root of life", is used in medicine for several millennia. And the last few years it is actively used in cosmetology.

Cheat nature: secret ways how to add curls 11992_4

The extractor of a 6-year-old red ginseng root has a number of exceptional properties: soothes damaged skin, having a bactericidal and healing effects, stimulates the production of its own collagen, increases elasticity and elasticity at the cellular level. Pure Healing Hair Line Hair Recovery Llang line includes two tonic, shampoo and air conditioning. The results are visible almost immediately!

Urgent help

Sometimes even healthy and severe hair from time to time become brittle, dry, lifeless. "Fenom laying, staining to which about 70 percent of Russian women, chlorinated water, sun and other factors first damage the structure of the upper layer of hair, cuticles, and then - and its core," explains Dr. Natalie SORS, NIVEA expert on creating funds For hair care. To restore damaged hair Nivea offers a new line "Directional Restoration and Care".

Cheat nature: secret ways how to add curls 11992_5

Shampoo-care and air conditioning-care are intensively taken care of hair thanks to the intelligent system for recovery® NIVEA with KERA DETECT® technology. Its active formula works at once in three directions: the active particles are attracted to the damaged parts of the hair, restoring its structure where it is necessary; Panthenol penetrates the kernel of the hair and strengthens it from the inside; Liquid keratin protects the surface of the hair from the negative effect of the environment. Outcome: Well-groomed and healthy hair.

Maskam Rada

For emergency assistance to your hair, be sure to use masks. For example, the Standers brand has an incredibly effective mask for intensive hair care with a hydrolyzed keratin complex.

Cheat nature: secret ways how to add curls 11992_6

It restores the structure of damaged hair and strengthens them, penetrating into the very core of the hair. Composition of natural olive oil and apricot seed oil gives hair the necessary meals. A nice bonus is a sophisticated fragrance with unobtrusive flower-citrus notes.

The restoring hair mask "Angel Kudri" from the Korean brand Holika Holika contains argan oil, which intensively nourishes and moisturizes hair.

Cheat nature: secret ways how to add curls 11992_7

Argan oil makes the structure more elastic, and natural floral extracts carefully take care of the skin of the head. Tritment mask protects hair from damage caused by UV radiation, hot air hair dryer.

The secret of the correct laying

Audit must also be used for styling. At the Syoss brand in the updated collection of Volume Lift for thin and deprived volumes of hair, you can find not only the leaving agent (shampoo, balm and spray-air conditioning), but also styling.

Cheat nature: secret ways how to add curls 11992_8

Syoss Volume LiFT hair lacquer has a lifting effect for the volume and power of hair from the roots. It is easily removed when combing, not leaving traces. SYOSS VOLUME LIFT laying mousse is designed specifically to give the volume of hair and the extracene fixation of laying for 48 hours. It is easily removed when combing and has a formula with an antistatic effect. Dry Shampoo Syoss Volume Lift will extend the freshness of yesterday's styling for another day and give the hair a noticeable volume without weighting.

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