Yuri Loza told just about the complex - about tears


Cute ladies, if your husband (friend, friend, boyfriend, random acquaintance) will say that you can't tolerate, when you have "eyes on a wet place", answer him that the tears are a natural thing, and therefore necessary. And for persuasiveness, here is a couple of arguments.

Tears are: emotional, basal and reflex.

Emotional appear when words are erected. Scientists have established that with crying from the body, all unnecessary substances are washed from the body, when the voltage and stress is released, and the organism is naturally cleaning. Regarding joyful events, 20% of tears is spilled. In 30% of cases, people cry anger, fear or failures. It is said that if you pay from the soul for fifteen minutes, it will help relieve the tension that has accumulated for the year.

Basal stands out constantly - they wet the cornea and protect their eyes from bacteria and dust. The eye voltage is removed by the secret of the eye gland, which contains psychotropic substances.

Reflex retires after physical irritation. So reacts the body for different gases and other poisonous nonsense. In television series on the faces of actors, very large tears appear, but this can also be achieved only by an external stimulus, for example, onion.

But the newborn do not cry. Only three months after birth, tears appear in their eyes. It has been proven that boys cry for up to 12 years old, then girls all the rest of his life take their own.

With the age of tears, they disappear, so the elderly eyes seem less bright. With bad work of the tears, eye disease may occur. Syndrome "dry eyes" is a sign of a decrease in visual acuity or fatigue. In addition to old people, it is very often found in those who pay a lot of time to the computer. For such cases, scientists have created artificial tears, they can be bought in a pharmacy.

During the life of a person, there are about 4 million tears, this is approximately 70 liters of tears. Somewhere on three liters, members of the jury in the "voice" teleport are more.

People are the only living creatures that tears express their emotions. Of course, some animals cry, but, say, whales through the lacrimal channels are distinguished fat, and "crocodile tears" is only removed from the body of this reptile surplus salt.

So you can safely say that if your husband (friend, buddy, boyfriend, random acquaintance), will cry not only in secret while watching school photos, but will give will feelings when he wants, too will be a little healthier.

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